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School Detention

Poll on schooling practices

Posted by Sylveef on 2009-12-11 16:03:40

Dear Friends,

I have launched a new poll, "Current Schooling Practices Regarding Health and Safety" http://www.misterpoll.com/polls/462667. In this poll, I am interested in finding what are the actual practices in schools regarding health and safety, as opposed to my previous polls, in which I solicited preferences of parents.

Results were quite amazing. In my polls 'Attire and Health Serveillance for School-Going Kids' http://www.misterpoll.com/polls/356908 and 'Attire and Health Serveillance for School-Going Kids2' http://www.misterpoll.com/polls/436125, many parents expressed their preferences towards school policies allowing maximum exposure of skin to fresh air and sunshine in schools. I have found at least one school in Tokyo, Japan, which enforces 'strip to waist' policy for kids during summer and winter, alike (See 'School Bullies' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-XX30-Ez8xg).

Would like to find out if there are other such schools in the world? If you send to your kids to one of these schools, which practise partial or total 'strip to waist' policy in schools, please do answer Q. 24 to Q. 27. Kids mean prepubertal children less than 11 years old, in the context of this poll.

My other polls

Physical Examination for Kids: Quality and Value for Money


Physical Examination for Kids: Quality and Value for Money2


Daily Routine for Kids [Q. 16, Fourth Choice should read: In a hurried manner (AFTER getting dressed)]


Bedtime and Indoor Clothing for Kids [now closed; you can only leave messages]


Airport Security and Kids


Airport Security and Kids1


Airport Security and Kids2


