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Boys clothing habits

My brood

Posted by hotanddirty on 2013-06-09 23:32:19

I have four boys, 7, 9, 12, and 13. They generally have a preference for wearing as little as possible. Right now the 7 year old has a completely shaved head, the 12 and 13 years olds have very short buzz cuts and the 9 year old had hair he can put in a pony tail. All four boys hate to wear shirts and go shirtless in conveniece stores, grocery stores and fast food places. They will often get off the bus already shirtless and the oldest has even had some success at the mall shirtless. None of the boys wear underwear and I'm not even sure we have more than a couple of pairs in the house between the bunch. They usually wear board shorts or the least restrictive option they can get away with. kacki shorts seem to pass muster at school. Board shorts work for most everywhere else, though it's not uncommon for one or all of them to be naked at home and in the fenced in back yard. As far as shoes, the boys prefer to go barefoot. We live in a tolerant area, so they can spend the summer completely barefoot for weeks at a time. Flip flops usually fill the need if shoes are required. It's very rare for them to wear socks in their sneakers at school. They like to be able to kick them off and get barefoot easier. The 9 year old, however, will occasionally wear just socks out and about if the weather is a little on the cool side.

Posted by Zimmer on 2013-07-06 00:06:20

Do you require your boys to be shirtless or merely allow it? Did they start going shirtless on their own or did you raise them like that? Is the climate where you live warm enough to allow them to be shirtless year round? What's the longest they've gone without wearing a shirt? Is it difficult for them to wear a shirt to school after being shirtless most of them summer? We introduced our son to a shirtless lifestyle this summer and he's taken to it like a fish to water.

Posted by hotanddirty on 2013-09-12 21:47:22

Never required them to dress any certain way. I've certainly led by example, though. It's usually warm enough to be shirtless about 8 months out of the year. Though the older boys and I will often run shirtless when the weather is in the 50s. I don't really know what the record is for staying shirtless. The 12 year old wanted to try to set a record for being shirtless and barefoot one summer when he was 10. I think he made it almost 3 weeks shirtless before he had to put a shirt on to go to the movies. I think he made it almost 2 months barefoot though. They complain a little about having to wear shirts at school, but I think having to wear shoes after a whole summer of nothing more than flip flops at the worst is more of a pain.

Posted by alex aeon on 2014-02-02 06:27:51

I dont have restrictions really. I go shirtless at home all day everyday and barefoot as well. All I wear are boxerbriefs.

Posted by Desa Poim on 2019-11-25 17:01:56

So does my son.