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What religion are you?

It is amazing,

Posted by SydneyLovesYou2 on 2013-01-04 23:57:23

Yes, Methodists are a denomination of Christianity. Each are very different. I said my church, because you are obviously not part of it. My church has a saying: Religion is what Man created to boss others around with rules and regulations. We must be Jesus followers, not followers of religion. If you would like to argue, go right ahead.

Posted by gorangle on 2013-01-06 10:19:39

Well, I certainly agree with your definition of religion - no arguments there. But what is so special about Jesus? He (probably) was a wise and influential person, but so were many others.

Posted by SydneyLovesYou2 on 2013-01-07 00:50:01

Very true, there were plenty of other influential people over past centuries. The thing is that in that period of the world, the Jews had been conquered by Rome, and their religious texts claimed that a savior was coming to restore the kingdom of Israel. Christians believe that Jesus was that savior, and that he made it possible for all kinds of people to enter the kingdom of heaven. Jews believe that is wasn't Jesus, and they are still waiting. Even Muslims give Jesus credit, although they claim he is only a prophet, and not a savior.

The way I see it, is that since all sorts of groups that give him credit over the past millennium, it makes the most sense.

Also, I just read this through and I don't feel i actually got my point across, but oh well. Here's hoping.

Posted by Halloween 1 on 2013-02-21 16:36:18

And yet how much suffering, bloodshed, atrosities, and deaths have been done in the name of a man who taught love and tolerance.

The Crusades.

The Inquistion.

The Burning Times.

The violence in Ireland, where both side claim to be followers of Joshua Ben Joesph(as Jesus would have been called during his time)

The list goes on and on.

Then there are books such as the Mallieus Maleficarum, The Witches Hammer, detailing how to torture confeesions of witchcraft out of innocent people or people who simply wished to practice their own religion peacefully.

Posted by Braxton on 2013-12-02 06:01:56

Yeah, I don't know why I did not put "None" or "Other"