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Online Comfort (Children and Adolescence mainly)


Posted by lollylou on 2013-01-07 11:45:15

I mean right now my mum will be married for two years in May to my step dad Phil. But very often they argue and my mum cries because he says such hurtful spiteful things and always puts himself first. My dad left when i was 2 so i didn't remember what it was like to live with a man. Phil is the worst for the first experiance for me. He also complains twenty four seven over stupid things like a sticker being on the radio and he has a go at you for it. He is so childish. They do get on well, but not all the time.

Also since mum has married him she ignores me when i try to speak to her or interfere's to start a conversation with him when i'm talking to her and quite oftenly she get's herself and phil lunch but not me. And she offers him a drink but not me. It hurts sometimes. At te beginning of their marrige i would just stay in my room because my mum acts like i'm not there most of the time.

Posted by lollylou on 2013-01-07 11:49:33

Also you'd think she'd take that into consideration beforehand, as her daughter (me) had once been living with her without any man for 11 years.

But no.

In guess that's love for yuh. But even Phil notices and he has to tell her that i'm trying to talk to her.

Posted by lollylou on 2013-01-09 17:08:32

Sorry to hear that. :(

You've had quite a caotic life. Are your brothers younger than you? If their younger perhaps when it happened your dad was trying to reassure them as you all have been through quite a bit even if it was that long ago. When your little, especially younger parents sometimes feel the need to give them extra attention. Even though it was that long ago, it might still be a habbit. He might not realise.

I'm just trying to give you an idea. It is possible. Have you tried talking to him?

I'm 15 by the way.

Posted by mavila711 on 2013-01-09 21:39:54

my mom left when I was 6 and she tried to take me and my brothers away from the rest of our family but our dad wouldn't let her. unfortunately, the same night she left, my dad also got himself arrested... ever since then it's like my dad prefers my brothers over me. they always get their way, the best things, the first choices, etc. meanwhile, I might as well be living on my own bcuz it sure feels that way sometimes

Posted by mavila711 on 2013-01-09 21:47:18

yeah, they're younger. and I don't think that's the case, but you could be right. but they can never do anything wrong in my dads eyes. I'm always the bad guy, always the evil one, always the one up to no good, always the liar, always the thief. unless he actually sees them do it, everything bad always gets pinned on me. and yes, iv tried talking to him, but that just makes him mad. I'm 15 too