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Naked in School Scenario

goes on at my school

Posted by awayness on 2014-04-04 02:18:00

Sounds like a pretty nice system. nobody's forced.. But it seems a little odd to choose people at random (how many? just one per day?) from a cache of volunteers, if it's up to them then they should just go naked when they feel like it. I don't see what purpose the added random element serves. And it seems silly to give in to peer pressure like that. If all the freshman girls weren't shaved, then that means everyone started out that way but changed to fit in.. which means being unshaven is ACTUALLY fitting in.

Posted by nakedrhode on 2014-04-07 16:11:54

I was naked in school quite a bit when I was at school but not always through choice and in this day and age would not be tolerated . I went to a private boys boarding school which was very regimental and everytime we were made to do anything we did not really want to do we were told it was to make us men instead of boys . We swam nude and when we were doing sport for PE most schools were shirts or none shirts to differentiate teams ,with us it was shorts or naked or it was just shirts or naked .during athletics a lot of the guys wore just shorts and track shoes or naked . During cross country if it was raining we were forced to do it nude . The excuse was they did not want us to damage our sports gear which was all white . The only time we were told to make sure our sports gear was worn was when we had parents or visitors at the school for sports day or gala week , in which case we had to wear school speedos. We always got caned nude by all the teachers and if we got sent to the head we knew it would be at assembly the next morning and we would be naked on the stage infront of the whole school bent over a chair with our backside facing the school and we got at least six strokes with the cane . After that you didn't want to wear shorts or sit down for at least 2 days and slept on your stomach . We had communal showers in the boarding house which were attached to the back of the building which we had to go naked from the dorms to the showers and were told by the prefects if we tried to cover up would get reported to the housemaster for the cane . We also all slept naked as we were told on our first day there by the prefects that it was compulsory and you didn't argue with them in case you got reported for the cane . Most discovered at some point that sleeping nude wasn't compulsory but by then you did it anyway .