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Naked in School Scenario

Is it therapeutic for boys to have thier genitals held by sisters or school clas

Posted by Calaban on 2020-07-25 10:20:30

When staying over the weekends at a friend's house, it became custom for us boys too remain naked after bathing, while girls wore pajamas or night dresses. Sometimes the younger girls would get a little grabby and the mom would take these opportunities too teach biology and promote better behavior among us boys reasoning that when a boy was kept nude and submissive too young girls for extended periods if time, the boys behavior was improved, something too do with shame and humility taking us down a notch, not being so big for our britches anymore, or some such nonsense like that, I suppose. All I knew for certain was, that the girls were having fun, us boys were having fun, and as long as us guys continued too have some kind of say in regards too our own bodies, than it can continue too be an enjoyable diversion from that same o- same o- television programming we are otherwise depending on way too much too pass the time designating $%!@es and testicles as fair game while vaginas and boobies are expressly forbidden!

Posted by bj98101 on 2020-07-25 19:35:18

I experienced similar with neighbor girls, they got to see me naked but i never saw them