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Girls vs Boys wrestling

No Man Can Take My Strength

Posted by MuscleGirlBrat on 2004-11-27 05:47:07

I'm a very strong teenage girl with legs of steel and I have no problem beating men and women in wrestling matches. Regular wrestling, arm wrestling, leg wrestling -- it doesn't matter because I always win. I haven't run into anyone yet who's been much of a challenge. Scissor holds are my favorite (I just love to squeeze) and nobody can handle my leg strength. Grown men and women have screamed their submissions to me and I only use 50% of my power. When I wrap my legs around someone they have two choices: submit or get knocked out cold. There must be some guys and girls out there who could give me a run for my money but I haven't found them yet. I'd love to hear from anyone who thinks they could handle my squeeze.


P.S. - Here's some of my stats: thighs: over 23", calves: 16", biceps: 15". I'm pure muscle from head to toe and solid as a rock from gymnastics and working out. My leg scissor holds are pure death and no one (so far) has been able to take my power. Do you think you could?

Posted by StrongAnd Successful on 2005-02-14 20:10:50

I an a man in my late 20s, and I think it's funny that guys still can't accept the fact that some girls are better than some guys in sports. I am in a judo/grappling class and can beat a lot of my opponents...but yeah, sometimes i lose a fall too...it's no big deal, really. I would never wrestle a girl under 18. There are none in my classes, and besides, it would feel strange being caught in positions than can be construed as sexual to the ignorant passer by. I go against guys too in my class...horsing around with my cousins and such also...to be honest, girls are generally the harder opponent. An average, active girl has stronger legs than the average, active guy...period. Strength is not everything...I can bench 350, leg press in the high 900s, so i'm not a weak little boy...but i've lost to women who got me in a hold i couldn't get out of because of her technique...like anything else, use your losses to learn from your mistakes. It's all in fun, it's not life and death. To muscle girls everywhere, you are all beautiful! For every hundred a##holes out there, there is one or 2 that will appreciate you. Take care for now.

Posted by Candie on 2005-02-24 04:18:05

Thanks for your words of encouragement!

Posted by will_kick ur_ass on 2005-08-29 16:01:03

i bet u took on sisies i could woop u bad

Posted by wrestle_me on 2006-09-06 00:13:34

wrestling videos

Any girls interested in showing your stuff (schoolgirl pin videos mainly) and making $$...let me know!