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More precise thinking needed!

Posted by Starchild on 2002-04-23 09:11:51

While this poll asked some good questions, some things were too vague.

For example, the nature of homelessness in San Francisco (where I live) is much different from the nature of homelessness in Calcutta, India. If the pollster meant to ask about homelessness in a particular geographic area, he/she should have said so.

In many cases, adequate response choices were not presented to reflect my views, so the answers I gave would be misleading to anyone trying to understand my outlook. For example, the question about whether boys over age 12 should be prohibited from being in a shelter with their families. Probably some older boys should be kept out while others should not.

In other cases, the questions implied false assumptions or did not give enough information. The question about which homeless people are least studied, for example, did not say anything about how many homeless people are in that category. One would expect a category with fewer people in it to be studied less, on average, but that factor was not included in the calculation.

Also, questions should generally recognize that some people might favor something (like free shelters being available), yet not believe that having government tax people by force in order to pay for this service is an acceptable way to provide it.

If the pollster is serious about getting good feedback for his/her project, I recommend revising these questions.

Sincerely, <<< Starchild >>>

Posted by pinkprincess on 2002-04-23 21:13:10

I am sorry that you feel the way you do about this poll, but first of all, this is my first poll, and second, this poll is for a school project on a wide variety of homelessness. It was not meant to be on a specific type of homeless people. In my opinion, I think that I will get less of a biased opinion if I don't make really specific questions. Also, this poll is supposed to be taking opinions, and I believe I did state at the beginning to answer them honestly according to what you think. If you don't agree with my poll, my advice is not to take it. However, I do not intend to change my questions. Thank you.