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Should I let my girls stay up later than their current bedtime?

Bedtime results

Posted by Laura R on 2014-04-06 20:42:03

Thank you so much to everyone for voting in my poll! :)

Based on the results and my own judgment, I've decided on new routines for Jenna and Carrie.

Jenna has earned a later bedtime. Starting at the end of the school year, I will permit her to stay up until 9:00PM.

Although this was a close call, Carrie has not earned a later bedtime. This summer and next school year we will continue to put her to bed at 7:00PM, both weekdays and weekends.

Again, thanks! I wish you all a good and restful summer.

Posted by Francisa leeuw on 2015-05-07 08:24:00

Why do you let Jenna stay up later than Carrie? What is the point of that?

Posted by Francisa leeuw on 2015-05-07 08:33:10

Why do you let Jenna stay up later than Carrie? What is the point of that?