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Guys and tampons

Under Nurse's Orders

Posted by Studs Johanson on 2013-03-13 22:50:45

duuuuude. I had a temperary colostomy bag and the nurse, aka E.T., told me to block the stoma with a tampon while changinging so the gunk would not flow out.


Posted by The_Nothing_Man on 2013-03-17 13:11:14

While not under any medical orders, I use them when I have very loose bowel movements or diarrhea. They are VERY useful to prevent any leakage from escaping and soiling my underwear. I always keep a box handy.

Posted by Studs Johanson on 2013-03-22 17:19:28

I suggest that Nothing Man should go to the store nearest his house and buy a box of tampons same day every month. That way people will think falsly he has a woman.

Posted by flurng on 2013-11-23 09:37:29

I wear tampons nearly 24/7, removing them only to pinch a loaf, and then replacing them immediately. I'll often wear 2 or 3 at a time, with the most being 6 at once! For the record, I am 10000% straight, and no, I have no medical issues - I just truly enjoy the way they make me feel; confident, powerful, sexy, and of course so deliciously feminine! I also enjoy wearing maxi-pads, panty-liners, douches, bras & panties for all the same reasons. Finally, everyone who knows me is aware of my habits - I have no secrets.

Posted by Kres on 2016-02-14 10:38:05

When I present myself to my mistress for punishment I have to wear a tampon with a bell at the end of the string. As she gives me each stroke of the cane I have to count and make sure I don't move to make bell ring other wise she gives me extra strokes. She is very strict @ says that I should get a master also who could take on the extra task necessary. Afterwards I'm allowed to remove it but like to keep it there as a resonant reminder. Write if you have suggestion. Regulation@mail.com