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Men v.s. Women


Posted by James07470 on 2003-07-17 08:49:29

On the subject of this poll, does this mean who should be entitled to more rights (to fit their wants and needs) or does it mean who actually HAS more rights available to them in day to day life?

In any case, I feel that both men and women should have equal rights. Of course there are things women must go through that men don't (pms, child birth, etc) and men should respect that and do what he can to try and make life a little easier for her. And if you think about it, men can have it rough sometimes too.. after all, a woman can be insecure and emotional and the right man for her can (should) still support her needs and desire her every bit as much. For a man to feel insecure, he will be abandoned or otherwise rejected (which in turn would do wonders for his insecurities.. lol).

As far as jobs go, I think it's b.s. that a woman who is equally qualified and able to do the same job should be paid any less than a man. I personally haven't seen positions that actually say "women's salary will start at 70% base" or anything like that, but apparently it exists because it seems that men DO tend to bring home more money than women (on average).