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Spanked by Dad at 15

To Ryan

Posted by Shakeybranch on 2013-06-16 23:41:19

Hi Ryan. I am glad you posted this. I am a teenager (17 years old) just like you, and as far as I know, my parents have yet to give up spanking as a disciplinary measure. However, I am not positively sure considering that they seemed not to feel the need to spank me. The closest I came to being spanked this year was when I was banging my head (I had depression at the time) and making my dad late. I have a contraversial stance on spanking in general (being against it) because other countries that disallow it tend to be less violent (Sweden, Germany, Iceland, the Netherlands, Switzerland, etc.), among some other reasons. However, since your dad obviously feels differently, you should do as others tell you and follow the curfew. You may think that this is curfew is strict, but he is probably setting it to keep you away from danger. Though I think he should not cause you any pain with the spankings, the spankings he gives you will likely seem trivial in comparison to what some other men could do to you outside the home. As much as the spankings may hurt (or even humiliate), at least your dad cares about you, unlike some people who would not care as much in doing greater harm. To put this shortly, follow the rules, because they (or at the very least this one) is rational, and you can start to avoid I punishment you feel you should not have. If you want to talk to me more about this, you can email me at sysaing@yahoo.com, I would love to hear your thoughts.