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kissing and nudity in public middle and high school plays

Different for boys and girls

Posted by awayness on 2013-11-29 03:50:37

yeah put the girls in burqas. make sure they know their bodies are dirty and evil.

Posted by Dazo on 2013-12-01 18:15:08

male35 you are talking rubbish. That was the attitude of females concerning little boys where I grew up although nudity was banned for all teenagers.

This poll is concerning teenagers although I think full nudity should be permitted at all ages and everyone should be mature about it unlike where I lived with all the girls laughing and giggling because boys were always being exposed and they never were.

awayness, I love your sarcasm. :) People with such narrow minded prejudices deserve such ridicule. Everyone of both sexes should be comfortable with nudity and there is nothing that gets me more angry than some old busy-body saying something like:-

"Oh girls shouldn't be showing their 'bits' like that's its rude!"

Because its prudish, prejudiced, small minded hypocrites like that (these people usually claim to be moralists but believe me they are NOT! They just stir up trouble) that encourage all the sexual inequality and discord leading to so many sexual harassment claims that are filed and then they complain when so many are dropped and the accused is set free BECAUSE the claim was completely bogus!

The accuser is 'technically' NOT lying if they accuse someone out of PARANOIA. A paranoia which is constantly being encouraged and perpetuated by the prudish people I just mentioned.

Then when a genuine case DOES slip through the legal net these very same people sprout off like it justifies everything they were saying.

Whereas the reality is that if everyone did not have this air of uncomfortable mistrust of others attitudes to acceptability of nudity then it would be much easier to catch and take care of the REAL child molesters and rapists if there were not so many bogus claims made. Instead of these 'false moralists' constantly harassing guys like me!

Posted by Karter221 on 2023-11-22 10:36:00

I’m influenced using the surpassing as well as preachy itemizing that you simply provide such small timing. here