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Unladylike things you like to do (Women only)

my girlfriend

Posted by saraally on 2015-02-22 16:00:43

Hey Patrick,

I totally agree with you. I don't think its nearly as bad where I go to school but its still ridiculous how people are acting now.

At my school most people are pretty civilized, so its not as bad as yours. There is this one guy who does nothing but fart, burp, and spit and I feel bad whoever wasted their time giving birth to such a low form of life.

There are a few other guys who spit on campus and its totally gross and shows their IQ is low since spitting spreads disease, plus it shows they have really bad character since it shows lack of consideration for others. I've only seen a couple of girls do that, mostly the ones who smoke and its so gross. One other girl I didn't even know when I was running on the track spit a mouthful of phlegm right on the track when she was running. I called her out on it and embarassed her in front of everyone there. I've noticed that most people (guys and girls) who do this are stupid like you said and are ugly to begin with inside and out.

There are a couple of girls who have done that other gross stuff on campus, but it doesn't seem to be an epidemic except for this one girl who is popular with the people who run the school because her mom works for them. She gets away with everything even though she really doesn't have any good friends. She burps in class, has spat outside, and talks about herself farting all the time. Its gross and its awful because no one in class likes her and she smells funny but the teachers kiss up to her and let her interrupt class by burping because her mom is high up in the school.

But where I'm from those are exceptions and not considered normal.

So at least take hope that not all girls are like that!

Posted by Steve A on 2015-04-12 18:25:50

Hey Patrick,

You and I can agree that you were born in the wrong generation of time. In the old days, girls acted differently than they do today. Although I don't get bothered by girls farting, burping, being open about their bathroom habits around me, these habits should be done in private or only around people your close to or comfortable with.

My school is different from your school. If you went to my school or any other schools in my area, you would like it better here than where you go to school now. I've never or very rarely seen these behaviors by girls ever since I went to school in this area.

The only problem I see in girls these days that may never change is all the drama and they don't see the good in guys. Girls these days want a guy who looks hot instead of a guy with a good personality. Looks aren't everything, but the girls these days would think otherwise.

I think girls got fed up acting ladylike overtime. They rebelled since they didn't like to have their lives controlled or that they have to act a certain way since they are a woman. People these days want to live their lives the way they want to without being controlled just so they can be happy. But, some of their lifestyles may or may not work out well in the future if they just live the way they want to.

Posted by futurerocky on 2019-03-17 00:37:49

Holy $%!@ is she single? That’s my dream girl and future wife! Burping so loud and long and interrupting class and farting like a sailor in public too. Where do I find these girls? I find it hot as hell finding gassy girls to rip them is easy and open?