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Halloween Costumes: Accuracy vs Modesty?

My date

Posted by LuvBlk on 2013-11-30 20:04:10

This is about senior prom which was voted to be a costume affair by the senior class. This took place three years ago.

First off let me say that my date, now my sweet wife, is a beautiful black girl with gorgeous milk chocolate skin and at the time, mid-back long soft cinnamon hair. She is 5'6", 120. She was living with her 22 year old sister who was her legal guardian. Anyway she told me that she had costumes in mind for us to wear that her sister had agreed to help her make. Tanya(her sis) approved completely of me saying that me and Crystal(my girl) made a wonderful couple. The only hint I was given were instructions to study up on feudal times in Europe. We all had fun when they measured me, Crystal handling the tape measure and Tanya taking notes. I had to jack off when I got home.

I had been told to show up at their house two hours before the prom so that any last minute adjustments could be made. My costume turned out to be of a midevel Lord of the Manor. Tanya helped with getting it on and right. Lastly giving me a soft kiss and saying, "Never hurt her. Her heart is yours, she has chosen you and I believe that she has chosen well." I promised to never give Crystal cause to regret being mine. Tanya took me to the living room and had me sit down as she brought Crystal out.

Crystal was dressed as a serving/scullery wench. A white peasant blouse pulled down to expose her soft shoulders and her sweet cleavage, 40Cs, and clearly no bra. A ankle long flowing peasant skirt that was torn here and there and she was barefoot. Her hair was disleveled with kitchen grease and grime in it. Her face had smears of grease and dirt as did the tops of her $%!@ as well as her blouse and skirt. And I had never seen a more beautiful woman in all my life. Dropping into character, I said, "A lovely wench indeed." She said, "I am glad, My Lord finds me pleasing. However, there are two things I want to add to our attire, My Lord." with that she crossed the room to me and knelt at my feet and opened a cloth bag she had been holding. She pulled out a leather collar that had a small padlock and leash. "My Lord, I beg you to make me your wench fully." My heart was pounding and I was having a hard time seeing through my tears of joy. Tanya was fully crying. I took the collar, leaned into her and kissed her as I slipped the collar around her neck and clicked the lock shut. I then told her that this was a leather collar, however she was to get a silver one on our wedding day which would be two months after Graduation. After many minutes of tears all around, hugs kisses and general celebrating we head to the prom. We managed to stay in character all night winning an award for that. And my Darling, in her wench costume, grease, dirt and all won for Hottest Female Costume. Afterwards, I spent the night at her place with her in my arms making love, sometimes hard and rough, other times gentle and tender.

Crystal is now my loving, devoted and intensely happy housewife. Her neck adorned with the promised silver collar with a hidden lock and no keyhole. She is also at this writing, eight months gone with our first child, a son. It seems that every time I think I have seen Criss as beautiful as she can get, I find I am mistaken. I thought her Prom costume was the best, then came our wedding day, now with her fantastic swollen belly and breasts is the most lovely I have ever seen her. At the same time I know that when I see her smiling at me as she nurses our newborn son will be the top. Can you tell that I adore her.

Accuracy or modesty? Walk the edge and think outside the box is my advise. Though it all depends on what you want out of the evening. A non-sexual good time, a hot time resulting with steamy sex, or a fiance'' you love with all your heart and want to spend your life with.