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School restrooms #1 (Males only)

exact facilities

Posted by somebodyelse on 2014-04-10 07:56:54

Part of the answer may depend on what the restroom is like. Have you seen those circular urinal things where the guys stand around them facing each other? If a girl comes in there, she'll see everything they have, since they're facing into the room instead of against a wall. It would be fine with me for girls to come in there, but someone else might have a problem with it.

Posted by So Cal Bro on 2014-08-09 15:45:02

I've been on the lookout for one of those circular urinals, but haven't found one. I saw a photo of something similar that was made from stainless steel, but it was a hand washing station. The height of the unit would have made it possible for any man over 5' tall to use it as a urinal.

Posted by lemeatit on 2014-11-09 22:19:12

In some places in Europe there are urinals on the pavements which are totally open and guys just walk up to them, whip it out and go and no one takes any real notice. This is the way it should be. All this extreme modesty is just fueling more sex crimes and curiosity that leads sometimes to the wrong sort of exploration.

Posted by boizrus on 2015-08-31 04:57:50

I'm all for unisex facilities that would begin to break down this taboo on extreme privacy. We need to be more open with everyone. I have some classmates who will not even change in front of their same sex friends. And when they do have to do something like that they will never remove their underwear openly. Always under a towel or in a cubicle. How much more pathetic can we get. I am happy to change in front of anyone from infants to grandparents and either gender and think that is how it should be.