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Peeing togheter with friend - husband (wife) / boyfriend (girlfriend) M & F

With Mom

Posted by Mosea on 2019-07-20 13:12:13

The most peeing that I've done with my mum was her taking me into the bathroom and her being next to me while I peed in the toilet, or sometimes she would be with me while I peed outside, since sometimes there might not be a toilet. When I was younger I hated using toilets, so I preferred just going outside too.

Posted by Louise P on 2019-07-24 12:30:22

moses did she peed togheter with u too? like bathtub and toilet or bidet and toilet , or she peed outside with you ?

Posted by Mosea on 2019-09-23 14:27:09

She has peed with me watching once from what I remember. While I was in a stall with her, I peed into the toilet and then she peed in the toilet once I was finished. I don't really remember what it was like though from how long ago it was. I don't remember her ever peeing with me while outside, as she preferred using a toilet so much. Maybe she did, but just did it in secret without me knowing.

Posted by Louise P on 2020-05-13 13:40:40

I must admit that my mother was probably the origin of my fun and attitude to pee everywhere else than a toilet... She hated children using a public toilet because, and i believe it was not only a matter of hygiene.. she prefer the 3 of us, me, sister and brother peeing outside if possible, she was used to pee car side or in bushes to avoid public toilet too but there were situation where she had no alternative. I remember that when she took us to a public toilet with her she always suggested us to $%!@ somewhere else than the toilet, in a corner, on drain in a waste bin..if the toilet was grossy she squatted on the floor too... She often told her friends "when other women see that my son $%!@ in a corner outside the toilets, that my daughters squat on the toilet floor, at first they complain about it..Until the next time they made theirs do the same"... It happened mostly when she took to the a summer resort, an old parent of the modern seaside resort, where there were sport fields and activities for the children, places to reelax for the parents, and a small patch of beach too. during the week there wee mostly mothers or grandmothers with the kids, and i remember we used to go to the toilet before living. I admit that if the queue was long, mum said "we'll go toilet in the parking otherwise" and we ended squatting beside her car and my bro peeing on the tire or side of the car, even if there were people around. when we went to the toilet we used the ladies because my bro was too little to go alone to the men, and mother and grandma always made him $%!@ against the wall in the corridor leading to the toilets. If some women complaint she said "we don't need boys to make the queue longer for the ladies" and mostly they agreed... during the summer the number of little boys $%!@ing outside the toilet grew constantly ,she said other women followed her examples, and even some little girl, me included, $%!@ed there.. she always took at least one of us in the ugly toilet stall, some were door less and nasty, and she made us $%!@ in a corner on the floor...in the summer the number of girls/women going together in a stall grew quickly and most of them had at least one $%!@ing on the floor ... One year they rebuilt completely the old toilet block and we all ended $%!@ing in the corridor,as the stall were more and better, even if i remember some times we $%!@ed in the waste bin or in a corner of a stall too..bro didn't come with us but started $%!@ing in the male changing room before leaving...

hope to read some anecdotes of my friends soon


Posted by Chloe1 on 2020-05-17 11:15:14

I have a twin sister and a brother who's 2 years younger than me. Generally growing up, my mum let us wee in public, as we were young and as is common with kids, they often need a wee at the drop of a hat. We always had similiar experiences. Generally in locker rooms