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parents behind closed doors

Funny this is called "closed doors"

Posted by awayness on 2014-03-16 21:33:06

When really the right attitude is having the doors open at all times. This poll covered all the important areas I think. Kids should be free to share a bed and a shower (it's just practical. they don't need their own room, or any room at all really, just a bed out in the open) or with their parents. Until very recently everyone slept in one bed as a matter of course. There's nothing wrong with simple touching of each others' bodies, nobody should think certain parts of the body are 'forbidden.' And there's no reason to keep sex a secret either, your kids know they were born so they know you must have done it! And finally having a problem with $%!@ion out in the open is like telling someone to hide when they blow their nose.

Posted by 69samiam on 2014-03-20 02:43:27

hi awayness thanks for the comment i was curious what country you from.

i used the term behind close door meaning the outside doors. even when over 75% of people do some of it it still need be kept a secret from the world because people will talk. when i was a kid we had no inside doors and what few was just a curtain cover door which with light on u see right in.in our house there was 7 kids and only 2 bedrooms so we had share beds with every one even parents.so as kids when in bed we did many experimenting and when you have 7 kids going school and dad going work all same time there no choice but shower together. also when someone $%!@ed there always was someone that would see. i would like hear some your storys too


Posted by awayness on 2014-03-20 03:44:25

That sounds like a nice upbringing. I'm American but my father is Japanese, and both of them have more old-fashioned attitudes towards nudity being normal around the house, even if it hasn't been terribly common since my grandparents' day.. They were raised not to care about nudity and they passed that down to us. They actually managed to get a "loft" style apartment, kind of like a small warehouse, so it was all one room. I found it weird going to other kids' houses and finding out they had all these unnecessary walls blocking everything. Even our shower was out in the open, in a tiled area next to the kitchen (kind of like a japanese bathroom, with stools and a showerhead on a hose) The only "room" anyone spent time in was the small bathroom, and we only used that for BMs (to block the smell). The toilet near the shower was open, and nobody cared if someone could see them peeing. What kind of stories do you want to hear about? I'm not ashamed of anything.

Posted by 69samiam on 2014-03-20 04:55:19

how many kids in your family my house had rooms but there wasnt any doors ever closed nudity was normal our house too. yes when we was showering there always was some one come in and pee. me and my younger brother had sleep with parents so we seen lot from them.our house had many mirrors so when u sitting you could see almost whole house.

storys about what you have seen in your house and how you was discipline are u a boy or girl.you said it ok too touch how did ur family touch

Posted by awayness on 2014-03-20 20:01:32

I'm a girl, I have a younger brother and sister. Discipline has never really been a problem with us kids, just seeing Mom or Dad get upset is enough to make us stop. We were never taught that any kind of touching was forbidden, every part of the body is equal.. so no matter where you touch, it's no different from holding someone's hand or giving them a massage. I've heard other parents tell their kids stuff like "Don't let anyone touch you here or there" or weird stuff like that.. That has got to mess up their heads. We were never taught that, obviously if something bothers you you can tell someone to stop.. but you don't have to TEACH that.