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Men only swims

Men Only swims

Posted by Luke12 on 2014-03-29 00:53:54

Forty years ago, these questions would all be irrelevant. But viewpoints on modesty, sex discrimination, and institutional liability have changed. My own view is that it is much easier to become acclimated to cold water and to avoid getting chilled by not wearing swimming trunks.

I am interested in hearing what questions I should have asked.

Posted by Twilight Sky on 2014-04-01 04:46:01

I really don't have a problem with it, but banning females from the swimming facility on "men only swim" day a.k.a. guys' "swim naked day" could lead to issues. The one you already brought up; what if a boy under the age of 18 wants to attend? Does he need a parent/guardian? What if that person is a single mom as you mentioned? If an exception is made for her soon other moms may want to be present. Also, female members of the swimming and diving teams might, as you mentioned, want/need that day to practice. Are they banned, or is their presence allowed? Finally, what about female swim coaches, pool staff, lifeguards, etc..? Are they not allowed to work that day? Are their hours and job opportunities cut because of this? I hate to sound like such a feminist or say it like this, but a sexual discrimination lawsuit is in the making here.

The bottom line is "men only swims" just aren't possible. If attitudes on public nudity in swimming facilities relaxed perhaps men would be able to swim - and generally be - naked there, but only in the presence of females.

Posted by Luke12 on 2014-04-01 06:07:43

Thank you Twilight Sky for bringing up these many missing questions.

First, I would like to say that this is my first poll, and getting through the process was an experience. (In case you hadn't noticed, Mr. Poll deleted question number #2 which was where I asked the age of the voter.) At the YMCA pre-1970s, it was all male all the time: male lifeguards and pool staff. Swimmers had to swim naked. Women had the same exclusive access at the YWCA. (If answered truthfully to question 9, all the male voters as of the time of this writing were all under the age of 18.)

In a longer survey, question #4 about Women Only swims would have been broken into two questions: 4. Swimsuit Optional like Men? and 7a. Should fathers and other male spectators (for example male classmates of the female athletes) be allowed to attend. With your statement "but only in the presence of females", I think you can see your own double standard here: It's OK for mothers and other females to be spectators of the naked men, but not for fathers and male spectators of the naked female swimmers. It is an intrusion on their privacy.

Canada retained some of the experience of the Old YMCA by having a men only swim one day per week. It was modeled very much as an Adult Swim and catered to Senior Citizens, but working men came in on their lunch hours. And swimmers over 18 also attended. To counterbalance any sex discrimination in a "Co-Ed" facility, this Canadian Y also offered a Women Only swim.

In your statement "If attitudes on public nudity in swimming facilities were relaxed", what you are really saying is "If [women's] attitudes on public nudity in swimming facilities were relaxed." All of the men at the Canadian Y had no problem with the swimsuit optional policy, and it was the most attended weekday swim.

The purpose of the adult male parent or guardian is to be responsible for the safety and supervision of the minor due to recent cases of boys suing a University for failing to protect them from sexual abuse (whether the abuse occurred in the University's facility or not). This male parent or guardian would have to sign a waiver of liability for the minor's use of the pool facility whom he was accompanying. Statutory sexual abuse problems were not an issue from 1890-1970.

After gathering reactions, I will probably rewrite this poll. Do hesitate to write more.


Posted by nakedrhode on 2014-04-01 15:55:20

I honestly cannot see the point in men only or woman only swims in this day an age .We seem to have become complete prudes . I am a nudist and been to many nude swims where whole families are there all nude and no body bats an eyelid .I think it is time for a change in attitude and for people to come out of their prudish shells and get rid of the small minority of people who seem to think they have the right to brainwash the bigger society into their prudish blinkered ways . It is about time we started looking at the bigger picture . Thanks to this small minority we have kids suffering eating disorders, fashion bullying and underage pregnancy. I brought up a nudist family and only one of them has lost his virginity and he was nearly 19 all my others are all over 16 now and all are virgins with no thought of losing their virginity any time soon . No subject was ever taboo in our house and if they were old enough to ask then they were old enough to know the answer . To many parents treat sex as taboo and expect the school to teach the kids what they need to know . I am sure that education should start at home . Maybe if kids could talk to their parents without fear of being yelled at or told its a big no no etc ,just maybe we could help stop kids suffering things that could be so easily stopped if parents just learnt to talk to their kids .

Posted by Luke12 on 2014-04-01 21:57:56

Thank you for your wise answer, Rhode.

I know that social nudism is a big step for some people. I know that as a boy my father took me to the YMCA, and I learned that you showered after swimming with the other fathers and sons. It was teaching by example.

I know that the guys at the Men Only swim were comfortable with the environment. My cardiologist told me to start swimming for exercise. Somehow getting out of 65°F water and shivering in wet trunks just seems to undo all of the good done by the workout. I don't mind swimming in a Co-Ed pool without trunks, but I would be arrested.
