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Kids who are spanked for everything except punishment.

Spanked for everything except punishment?

Posted by Stanford1969 on 2016-02-08 04:07:03

I once heard of a Little League team (boys ages 10 to 12) who entered into a strange agreement with their parents.

If they won their next game each boy was to get double his weekly allowance. If they lost the game each team member was to get a hard spanking by their parents. Fate smiled on the well motivated boys and the team won. If they had lost I don't know if the penalty would have been enforced.

Posted by Little Girl Amandine on 2016-11-04 14:24:33

This idea is interesting, I want to play this game with my Dad.


Posted by Marco2017 on 2017-01-31 04:45:04

I've heard of that game. If my kids suggested it I'd be willing to play. It would make for an exciting game if players on both teams entered into such an agreement. No matter who won and who lost half the young athletes would wind up with red butts.

Posted by Little Girl Amandine on 2017-06-01 00:38:09

I took the risk of suggesting this game(set,play) to my father. I play the handball, in a club. Unfortunately since it is last 6 months my team in lost a lot by match, as a consequence I received a lot of very long and very painful spanking


Posted by naughty mike on 2017-08-20 14:27:09

I came across this poll hoping to find out I'm not the only one. Clearly I'm not.

Shortly before I turned 13 my mom realized I was enjoying being spanked by her. This started a new era, spankings for fun. She started taking me over her knee and belting my bare bottom just for the fun of it. Then my dad started doing it too. Now it's almost 4 years later and it's a regular occurrence for each of them.

I love every second of it! I wanted to know if anybody else has had a similar experience. It would be too embarrassing to bring up to anyone in the world.