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Watersports and Bedwetting

I love wetting the bed

Posted by 00 on 2014-08-13 14:59:24

I wet the bed I always have. I love everything that goes with bedwetting the feel, the sight and smell of a well pee'd bed is just heavenly. I love to sleep in the same soaking wet bed for several nights. Re wetting it of course. I wouldn't ever want to be dry at night. Bedwetting is such a lovely feeling.

Posted by lover700 on 2014-08-17 19:40:20

Like you I love peeing in the bed. When I was about 16 my brother came in my room one morning and found me wet. He proceeded to whip out his $%!@ and peed on my face my $%!@ and my $%!@. Before long we both were naked and $%!@ing. This has continued for nearly forty years. My brother and I live together pee on each other pee the bed most nights then we always $%!@. We love our life and doubt we will ever change.

Posted by DaManULuv on 2014-08-18 16:31:44

Lover 700, you are very lucky to have a brother that loves you and shares your the same pee fetish as you. I wish my half sister had feelings for me as much as I do for her. I already know she has the same pee fetish as I do

Posted by laylagirl on 2014-11-09 12:56:11

When I was younger I shared a bed with my sister up till I was 11 and she was 14. It was a double bed which we shared. She stopped wetting regularly when she was 12 and only did it if she had been with her boyfriend. When mum was out she would bring him in and they would get into bed and have sex, and I would pretend to be asleep and would sometimes I would pee in the bed whilst they were at it sometime after they done it she would pee in the bed. When we were both wetting it Used to get really wet even though there was a plastic sheet and a couple of towels on it. If I didn't wear a pul up I kept my knickers on and then wore the same knickers next day in school as did my sister cos there were no clean ones. When she was going to meet boys she would want cleaner knickers and if there were no washed ones she would look for the cleanest worn pair often making me give her the pair I was wearing if they were less stained than hers which would often have thick yellow creamy stains in and pee stains which I then had to wear.

Posted by wet_jenny on 2015-02-26 11:52:57

I've never really stopped wetting my bed; I used to do it every night until I was about 15, then I began to have dry nights but still wet sometimes. Now I wet in my sleep probably 3 or 4 times a week, but if I do wake up and need to pee I just wet myself and go back to sleep. Nowadays I usually wear a nappy 'cuz I like nappies anyway, I'm a bit of a DL really, but I still wet even if I don't have one on. My girlfriend doesn't really care about my bedwetting, but she likes me to wear a nappy and likes to put it on me before we go to bed. She doesn't do it in her sleep, but she will sometimes wet the bed if she can't be bothered to go to the toilet.