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circumcision and reducing masturbation(poll for boys/men cut as teens)

IMO Circumcision probably does reduce m*s*t*ba*ion a little

Posted by Dmtv on 2017-06-22 13:29:27

I think there is one or more real academic studies that show circumcised men do M----------- slightly less, but the difference isn't great. Removing the foreskin makes M------------ somewhat less convenient, because uncirc'ed men usually use the foreskin to M_______. I think it makes boys more likely to M____________ at times and in places that are more appropriate than if they aren't cut. I also recall reading somewhere that using the foreskin to M___________ tends to make the P***s sore, which would certainly l focus a boy's attention "down there" more. Uncut boys are probably more inclined to get low level infections which cause mild irritation and draw attention to the P____, and possibly make M__________ somewhat more likely. If they think about it, most parents probably would not want their teen or pre-teen son to have a wet, slippery sleeve attached to the end of his P____, always ready for instant use, or misuse, as it were. Removal of the foreskin definitely does stop boys from experimenting with a certain behavior with each other. If one boy is circ'ed, it becomes extremely difficult, if both are circ'ed, it's impossible, and if both are tightly circ'ed, it's useless for them to even think about trying it.