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How much should the government limit our freedom of expression?

Poll for USA citizens only?

Posted by Anon24 on 2014-12-15 00:54:00

This poll seems to be directed at citizens or residents of the United States of America although this is not stated. Most people in the World and the majority of Internet users are NOT "Americans". It can be distressing for non-"Americans" when "Americans" assume they are the only people in the world.

Who in the USA is "the government"? Is reference being made to the Federal Government or perhaps to one or more state governments?

The First Amendment to the United States Constitution is presumably still in force. It would seem to allow the greedy, the ignorant and the stupid freedom of speech. There is a lot of noise.

Posted by U S A on 2015-01-02 13:57:43

"This poll seems to be directed at citizens or residents of the United States of America "{Anon24}


The internet was invented in America, also when a domain name ends in ".com" is understood to be America based.

"Who in the USA is "the government"?"{Anon24}

It's apparent the author means the workers in government which fool themselves into believing they have power over normal Americans, be it state or fedies.

"The First Amendment to the United States Constitution is presumably still in force."{Anon24}

Yes it is, however the fools that want to control innocent Americans try to disobey the Constitution.

"It would seem to allow the greedy, the ignorant and the stupid freedom of speech."{Anon24}

It certainly does, however if you are aware of the news, you realize the losers marching in the street think they have the right to destroy their neighbors property, and block the access of innocent Americans to stores and roads.