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Sacrament of confession (for Catholics)


Posted by edouard on 2014-11-28 21:32:21

To progress in spiritual life, I think it is very important to confess regularly, at least once a month. It is the best mean to acknowledge that without the help of God we cannot achieve anything, we have to recognize humbly our weakness and also the marvels that God do in our life. It is much more efficient than seeing a psychologist ! Confession must be well prepared by thoroughly examining our conscience very humbly. I think that the best way of doing that is to go in a church, and prostrate in front of the Blessed Sacrament and meditate before seeing the priest. The sacrament of confession should be received kneeling on the floor in front of the priest, and some kind of voluntary mortification should be added to the penance given by the priest : for example kneeling on pebbles, or arms ourstretched, or whipping one's back, to remember how Jesus suffered for the forgiveness of our sins.

Posted by Michael Siegfried on 2014-11-30 08:48:45

I agree it is important to confess our sins regularly and that we should do it more often than the church demands as minimum. I also feel every parish should offer confessions daily to a fixed time...and we need more priests.

People need to be taught again about vocations and every person should discern all vocations so every man should be open to consider to accept a call to priesthood in case its his vocation. Same with the other vocations.

Your call to physical suffering reminds me on Opus dei. Are you member of them?

Posted by edouard on 2014-11-30 17:11:07

Yes, listening to confessions is in my opinion a major task for priests, as important as celebrating mass, and I think that it is really sad that so few people confess nowadays. You are right, we have to pray with insistance for vocations so that priests become more numerous and lead us firmly on the ways of God.

I am not a member of Opus Dei, but I think that they are right to emphasize on some kind of mortification to progress in spiritual life. In Western Europe, people have too much lost the sense of efforts involving the whole body, such as fasting or praying in uncomfortable positions, kneeling, prostrating or wearing uncomfortable clothes... For a man, wearing a tight collar and tie to go to church is a valuable effort made to honor God and also a small mortification as it is not very comfortable specially on hot days.

Posted by Obedient_Catholic on 2014-12-01 20:13:20

I was pleased to find this thread to read this, Father. In our family, we regard confession as even more important, or at least as important, as holy communion. The communion is incomplete without recent confession and without having prepared by a detailed examination of conscience, and prayerful self assurance that one is in a state of grace and able to receive our Blessed Lord and Saviour in communion. We have often felt that the best time to finally acknowledge that one is ready for communion is after the consecration when Jesus is really present.

It saddens me that many people receive communion without confession. Let us call this for what it is: blasphemy.

I also agree with you strongly that one must dress one is best for church. Dress is not about comfort. A tight shirt and tie, and generally tightfitting clothes, I'll problem. Boys should wear short trousers.

Posted by edouard on 2014-12-01 23:04:01

Yes you are right, too many people receive communion being in a state of mortal sin because they never confess, and it is very sad. I also agree that dress is not about comfort. Boys should wear shirt and tight tie with short trousers and knee socks as long as they are not adult, it shows their status of non-adults and help them to keep humble and obedient.