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End Women's Suffrage?

Different Viewpoint

Posted by misssvenus on 2004-05-09 07:10:23

It is pretty obvious that the empowerment of women is gaining momentum and that the patriarchy is being phased out. Women will no doubt continue to gain power and authority as time progresses. Here's the real question? How long before men are no longer allowed to vote?

Posted by badassjosh on 2005-03-08 09:50:16

Stupid question. There is something called the cycle which keeps the universe moving at different times. The universe will soon contract in the the big crunch, and then the big bang. Similarly pretty soon there will be a big global war that will put women back in their place. They know deep down they should not vote. They understood the poll for how it is read.

Posted by chucksmom on 2005-03-23 15:13:15

Well, while you're waiting for the universe to contract, us women will just take care of everything for ya...

Posted by hotgirl on 2005-04-05 23:37:46

Well there is proof that after beggining to slow down the universe ir re-accelerating, so your theory says that women will be gaining power fast after a short break.

Posted by Cragslad on 2006-05-18 23:30:43

"How long before men are no longer allowed to vote?"

Haha, that's funny.