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Can Jason stay over?

Boys sleepover

Posted by Jason Harper on 2015-04-13 14:16:49

Not long ago I went on a sleevover with Gary. He is one of my best friends, but I had never stayed over there before. We had been playing together in and around his house all afternoon when Gary called to his mother mom can Jason stay to dinner? She replied if his mother agrees. All it took was one quick telephone call.

Later on, after dinner I was still there and Gary called mom, can Jason stay the night? She said if his mother agrees. Another quick telephone call and it was agreed.

When it came into bedtime Mrs. Simpson gave me a toothbrush, and asked if I wanted to borrow some of Gary’s spare underwear to sleep in. I usually sleep naked, and I was halfway through saying no, I would not need any of Gary’s underwear when I realixed she did not know I slept naked, and being a bit shy I said thanks, knowing I would not be wearing them.

Gary laughed. He said mom still think that I wear those at night. She does not know I go naked. I have not dared to tell her, or ask. Next morning I dared him to ask his mom, knowing there was no way he could back out of it. So shyly and tentatively he asked his mom if it was OK if he slept naked? She thought for a moment and then said, I thought you already did! Of course you can wear anything you want to in bed, or nothing, it is up to you. She paused for a moment and then said lots of boys of your age start to sleep naked at least sometimes. I bet Jace here does, don't you But no hanky panky

But no hanky panky is a big ask for two young teenage boys. We did not do much. Of course we compared, but we did not do anything much more than that. For we both slept in the nude and for most of the time we were in our own beds. At least Gary was, because I slept on the sofa

Jason (the pollster)

Posted by sillyw on 2015-04-18 20:07:19

Jason, would you have liked to je-k off with Gary? If he had suggested it, would you have je-ked off with him? That is what we do at most of our sleepovers.

Posted by Jason Harper on 2015-04-21 15:05:36

Not that time, and it was not likely to happen. He was not going to suggest it because we were not friends in that way. But we WERE friends, and so if he had asked me to I probably would have jerked him, and so I suppose he would have jerked me. I am sure I would have jerked off with him, because since then we have done that. Once maybe twice.

We are two straight boys, but were curious enough to compare and all, but too homophobic and scared to actually mastrbate each other or together, or even to talk about it that night.

Of course I sometimes jerk with another boy on a sleepover, and I thin that is normal boy bonding, but I do not think we do it at most of our sleepovers. even though most of us probably jerk before we go to sleep.


Posted by Jason Harper on 2015-05-15 12:29:28

Yes, well Gary brought it up. We were sitting watching tv in shirts and tee shirts, Gary put his hand on my knee and slid it up the leg of my shorts. I sort of liked it, but I pushed him away.

That night I slept in his room. rather than on the sofa. After the light was out he asked if i was awake, and if I was naked, which he already knew I was. Then he asked if I mastrbated. I was not sure what he meant so I hesitated and he asid, you know wa,nk. I had done it once or twice, so I said yes. He asked if I had ever done it with anyone else. I did not think Gerry who had showed me how counted, so I aid no. I did not know how to answer when he asked if I wanted to do it together, but within a minute I was lying on top of my bed, pp at attention, and Gary was leaning over me stroking mm pp, and ently squeezing my balls, until I squirted.

And I was glad that Gary brought up the subject. I am not sure I would ever have.

We have not jerked each other since then. We did not even mention it at our most recent overnight. Sio it is not something we always do on a sleepover


Posted by sillyw on 2015-05-15 21:39:02

Jason, that is great that you jerked off with those friends. You must have enjoyed the first time or you would not have done it again. For me, jerking with cousin and friends is so much more enjoyable than doing it alone. Of course, most times boys jerk alone, particularly before going to sleep. Any questions for me?