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Genital Spanking

Need tips for punishing my daughter

Posted by Emily707 on 2022-05-18 05:36:23

We're you ever spanked on your bottom growing up? Hot punishment and genital spanking seems like a strange place to start. Could you give any details on your forced $%!@ion?

Posted by HelloKatty on 2022-05-18 20:34:13

Hi Emily, of course my parents spanked my butt growing up (I think all parents do)! Usually my bare butt, and usually with the wooden spoon. And sometimes they'd spank my genitals too if I did very badly in school, but not very often. So the chilli punishment wasn't the start, just one of the things they chose when I got older and needed more strict punishments.

And yes, my parents force me to $%!@e in front of them as punishment sometimes. Now that I'm back in school, they worry about me getting pregnant with a boy, so they hope being forced to play with myself and orgasm while my parents (and sometimes brothers) watch will make me embarrassed and less interested in sex! It doesn't really work, but that doesn't stop them from trying haha. It's usually not too bad, but I hate having to make myself orgasm in front of everyone when my parents or brothers have friends over, it's really embarrassing. But it's still better than the chilli punishment, because I always like touching myself. :)

Da6, yes I did discover $%!@ion before my parents started making me do it in public. I had to pretend the first time that I didn't know how, which was really funny!

Posted by Emily707 on 2022-05-19 07:34:56

I am curious about your siblings as well.

Posted by HelloKatty on 2022-05-19 17:34:51

No, there is no method they make me use to $%!@e, usually I stand in front of them and rub myself with my hands until I orgasm. I can lie on the table if it takes me too long.

I have three brothers! One is my twin, so he's twelve like me and in my grade at school. My little brother is eleven and my big brother is fourteen. :)

And no, my brothers aren't punished like me. Sometimes they're spanked (bare bottom) or grounded, but usually not. My parents say that boys and girls need to be raised differently. I'm not allowed to wear any clothes at home and have to stay completely naked most of the time, but my brothers are allowed to wear whatever they like and never have to go naked. And they're never given the chilli punishment or forced to $%!@e in public. I think it's unfair, but Mom and Dad say that boys are more mature and so need less punishment than girls. When me and my twin get in trouble (I call him Adam on here, it's not his real name but Dad told me not to give people our names on the internet!!), even if it's for the same thing (like bad grades), usually my parents will just give Adam a few spanks on the butt (maybe 10) and a stern talking to. While for me, I usually get punished much more... usually my butt is spanked, then when that's done, my breasts are spanked, and then finally my genitals are spanked. They use their hands for my brothers, but I always get the wooden spoon. And I usually get twice as much on each area as they get on just their butt (so if Adam gets 10 on his butt, I'll get 20 on my butt, 20 on my breasts, and 20 on my genitals, all with the wooden spoon instead). And as you know, if I'm in big trouble I might be punished more, like with chilli punishment, forced $%!@ion punishment, having my toilet privileges taken away for a week, things like that. I used to complain that it wasn't fair, but Mom says that boys are logical and can be taught with words, while girls are emotional and have to be trained. They're worried that I'll get in danger some day when I'm older, so they say it's better to train and punish me now so nothing bad happens to me.

Posted by Emily707 on 2022-05-20 18:09:01

I think that boys need discipline just as much as girls do. I don't have any boys myself but I have friends and family that do and they definitely need spankings. Boys should be tough and pain builds toughness. Hopefully is your parents see this they step up their discipline to match what you receive.

The introduction of toys to your forced $%!@ion would be interesting. I think your brothers should have to $%!@e as well for the same reasons you do.