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Speedos - Swimming - For boys only

Speedos a bad design?

Posted by Charlton on 2015-11-04 21:48:07

Adamjohn2. At no point did i ever suggest meeting you and judging by your demeanor i do not think i want to. Goodnight and god bless. Charlton.

Posted by Luke12 on 2015-11-05 04:11:19


Brighton looks like the kind of beach the requires swimming in sneakers. (That is, all rocks and pebbles.)


I would imagine that the English Channel is cold even in summer. What has your experience been?


Posted by Charlton on 2015-11-05 09:33:37

It is indeed covered with rocks and pebbles and extremely cold, but on a nice hot day you get used to the cold sea. Charlton.

Posted by adamjohn2 on 2015-11-05 10:30:16

Yes, you do need sneakers and yes, it is cold even in the summer. A better nudist beach is at Studland Bay. I remember going there as an 11 years old scout.

Posted by Luke12 on 2015-11-06 05:09:51

You are correct. Studland Bay looks so much more inviting than Brighton Beach. At least you can lay on warm sand.

Studland Beach link

Also that's a good point! At nude beaches, no one would turn a teenager away. Nude swims at indoor pools would be sponsored by nudists clubs, and minors would be required to be accompanied by a parent or guardian who is a member.

Here in the USA, there used to be more teenagers at the nude Gunnison Beach at Sandy Hook, NJ. Since this is at the end of a 7 mile peninsula, many traveled there by bicycle. However, when I spoke with one now 21, he said that the bike ride was too far and there are far too many inland ponds, streams, and quarries in New Jersey found on Google maps that are easier to get to for skinny dipping. Besides, he and his friends thought that Gunnison was too gay back then. (At 21, he views it differently?)
