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kids swimming

Is it done at that place?

Posted by Luke12 on 2015-11-11 15:59:11

One question that I would have about this poll is that is this a place where kids can swim naked? In the USA, I don't know of any public park, pond, or canal where this would be legal. Kids would have to find a more secluded swimming hole.

I suspect that the author of this poll must have lived in the Netherlands by the use of the word "canal" where they are more prevalent. Can anyone in UK Europe or elsewhere explain what the local mores are regarding kids swimming nude in public swimming spaces?


Posted by Throwitallaway on 2016-09-24 21:47:52

Kids will normally have to find some body of water that isn't publicly owned, or go in at night when there is no one around. I suspect if they were caught no one would care to call the police.