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Extended well-child and well teen physicals

Boy, 6,13yo, body inspection, $%!@ exploration, abusive disiplin, boarding sch

Posted by Aquila on 2016-08-01 21:06:13

Boy,6yo nad 13yo, body inspections, $%!@ exploration and abusive punishments in boarding school

I am male. It happened in Western Europe. 2000-2009, 2010-2014, 6 years old, 13 years old.

I didn't know as it was a boarding school. I don't know what information was sent to my parents. The exam occured at the regular nurses or medical room at the school. It happened to all children in my school of the age group. I wasn't told I just got led to the room by a teacher and we had to line up on the wall with our underwear on and the rest of our clothes in our hands. When I got called in she had a general look over my body then I was told to "drop your underwear", and she lifted my $%!@ and testicles, then I can't remember anything.

I had to take all my clothes off just before I got anesthesia. They placed me upon a simple examination table. I got something to swallow. I was put completely to sleep. Just I didn't click about what was going on until I had anesthesia and I had removed my clothes.

External procedures: I cannot remember such tests. I cannot remember any external procedures like those mentioned.

Internal inspections: They inspected my anus with a speculum. They took specimens from my anus with a tube. Note you've covered everything I remember and that's only because I had marks so she told me about it to avoid her getting in trouble.

Arrangements after the exam: Nothing. I just lay some time in a bed to recover. After we were finished we were checked by our female teacher and female principle after the exam but we had to walk to the principle naked and that was on the other side of the school meaning we had to walk past all other classes who laughed. For a normal sized person it was fine There was a wooden block between the two pieces of glass so privates were covered.

However, as I was small my chest was covered and on my tiptoes my hips were covered. The first class I went past I forgot I was naked and when I heard laughter I put my head to the door and smooshed my privates against it as well causing more laughter and me to twig.

See above for arrangements. We got our clothes back after they were searched (routine apparently) and because someone had cigarettes on them and clothes were put together the teachers had no idea whose they were, so until someone admitted it, we were to stay naked in class and it took the whole school year when the teacher said: Right this is taking the $%!@. If no one tells me whose they were, now the culprit will be spanked like this in class, spanked in the assembly we're having next week and finally sent home naked for the rest of the year.

Oh and by the way I know who you are. If you wish to avoid some of them own up now or get ready to go over my knee. I didn't own up as it wasn't me, but the teacher thought it was so I took the punishment and until yesterday I had no idea who it was until my current friend owned up that it was him and he said he'll do what I went through so next week we're having lots of people round to get my friend back.

The School I attended: I attended private boarding school. I went to some other type of main school. Into punishments a lot. And I was picked on for being small and weak. I was pushed all sorts of places halls girls locker rooms girls showers and outside.

COMMENTS: It looks like they did body inspections and $%!@ exploration of the boys to discover signs of sexual activity or other activities the school did not like.

When finding signs of unwanted activities, like smoking in this case, the teachers punished the boys humiliatingly and abusively.