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Extended well-child and well teen physicals

Girl, 14yo, Western Eerope, extensive radiologic exams and intimate endoscopies

Posted by Aquila on 2017-01-04 18:35:11

Girl, 14yo, WE, Western Eerope, 1990-1999, extensive testing and endoscopic inspections in all body areas

I am female. It happened in Western Europe. 1990-1999, 14 years old. It was announced at school that some students were picked at random for a complete medical checkup and that we should present ourselves the next day for the exam. No details were given. My parents drove me to the exam to a special establishment used for these type of exams. A selected percentage of the children in my school of the age group.

PREPARATIONS: I was not allowed to eat some time before the exam. I got laxatives to clean out my stomach at the place where the exam took place. My stomach was cleaned out by a tube incerted into my anus that was connected to some pump and flush mashine.

ARRANGEMENTS AND ANESTHESIA: I was totally naked through all the procedures. I had to strip totally naked before the exam. They placed me upon something like a dentist's chair, but with devices to lift my legs onto. I got IVs, tubes into blood vessels, in an arm. I got IV, tube into blood vessels, in a leg.

I got electrodes on my cheast. I got electrodes on my stomach or hip region. I got electrodes on my legs. I got electrodes on my head. I got a tube or wire in through my urethra. I got anesthesia through tubes into my blood vessels. I got some numbing and lubricating cream injected into my urinary opening. I got lubricating and numbing cream into my vagina. The anesthesia made me sleep mostly, but I woke up occationally.

I was put into this chair, with some kind of stirrups to keep my legs up, pretty much like a gyno chair, with straps to lock them in place. My hands rested on the side of the body and i had straps around my wrists to keep them in place at the side of my hips. I got some numbing and lubricating cream into my uretra and vagina before they put some kind of catheter into my uretra, then i had been given a anhestesia with blood vessels whose needles where in my arms and in my hips.

ESAMINATION WITH EXTERNAL EQUIPMENT: They performed an EEC (electroencephalogram) - functional test of the brain with electrodes on the head. They took chest x-ray pictures. They took stomach x-ray pictures. They took x-ray pictures of my hip area. They took x-ray pictures of my limbs.

They used electrodes to record functions inside my head. They used electrodes at my chest to record body functions. They used electrodes at my belly to record body functions. They ued electrodes at my limbs to record body functions.

They examined my genitals with an ultrasound device. They had electrodes at my genitals to record functions in this area.

EXAMINATIONS WITH INSTRUMENTS INSERTED INTO THE BODY: They ispected the inside of my nose with a scope. They took specimens from my throut with a tube.

They inspected the inside of my urethra and bladder with a scope. They used a speculum in my vagina. They inspected my vagina with a scope. They inspected my anus with a speculum. They inspected me through my anus high up with a flexible scope.

The doctor explored my vagina with a finger. The doctor explored my anus with a finger.

They made an opening in my belly button or just under it and inspected the inside of my belly with a scope. Just want to add that i still have a scar where they made an opening just under my belly button to put a scope and then a tube inside. They were generally painful, and i would have struggled i was was not secured with straps, despite the numbing crea, especially in my anus, which was not numbed.

Having the doctor inspect my vagina and anus close by with a a finger was really embarassing for me at the time.

ARRANGEMENTS AND OBSERVATIONS AFTER THE PROCEDURE: They held me inconscious for some hours. I had IVs into blood vessels. I had catheter into my bladder. I had a tube going in through my anus. I had a tube through a opening in my belly. I lay with my legs in stirrups some time after the exam.

After i woke up some hours later i was feeling still very dizzy and confused, and I had some pain especially in the genital area, and the hole they made in my belly. As i was dressing up i noticed some dry white discharge around my vagina and anus. My parents were called to get me home.

THE SCHOOL I ATTENDED: I attended public boarding school.


This seem to be an account of a standardized examination that children undergo in selected communities and schools around the World where all body parts are examined and tested, and where radiographic imaging and inspections with endoscopes through the pelvic openings, nouse and throut are performed. It looks like all countries with a near political connection to USA and UK participate in the program and that a certain percentage of the young population undergo these exams.

This program have a long history and it is probably coordinated internationally by certain universities, health authorities and medical companies. A main purpose seems to be medical and development surveillance of children and teens.

Both girls and boys undergo these and much of the procedures seem to be the same for boys and girls, and even the same gynecological positions are used, but there seem to be some differences apart from those naturally occuring due to different genital shapes:

Girls seem often to be held under deep anesthesia for some time after the main examination, and seem to have more tubes and other arrangements to support body functions during the recovery. Prolonged anesthesia, laying in stirrups after the main exam, $%!@ tube and tube into the stomach is more seldome reported by boys, even though it occurs.

The white discharge reported by this girl was probably a contrast substance injected in her lower digestive system and possibly her vagina in order to take clearer x-ray and ultrasound pictures.