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Extended well-child and well teen physicals

Girl, 12yo, California, pelvic and general body inspections in great van

Posted by Aquila on 2018-04-03 17:04:37

Girl, 12yo, California, pelvic and general body inspections in great van

I am female. It happened in North America in 2015 or later, when 12 years old. My Dad said he got a notice of required examination. He got a lot of stuff to read and forms to sign. It wasn't both parents just my Dad. My Mom is gone. He said this would be a free complete head to toe physical exam that would be really invasive. We talked a lot about it until I felt ok about it.

I was still pretty scared because I would be pretty out of it and completely naked. Haha scary stuff. It happened in an a great ambulating van equipped for doing the exams. All children that have shown more than just standard interest for sexual or children with some kind of unusual bahavior or interests were scheduled for the exam.

The van was huge like a small motor home rv thing. They drove to a private area in the woods where we would not be bothered. They said they had permits for this. They said doing this is a lot cheaper than a doctors office but gets the same results. They said they do this every day all over the country.


I was not allowed to eat some time before the exam. I got laxatives at home to clean out my stomach the day before the exam. They washed my body before the exam. I got a traditional enema before the exam to clean out my stomach.

I was totally naked through all the procedures. I had to take all my clothes off just before I got anesthesia. I was placed to lay on my back with my legs flexed up spread and mounted upon two devices.

I got IVs tubes into blood vessels in an arm. I got a device on a finger or a toe to measure pulse and oxygen in my blood. I got a blood pressure monitor wrapped around an arm or a leg. I got electrodes on my cheast, on my stomach, my hip region, my legs and my head. I got a tube or wire in through my urethra. I got a tube or sond in through my anus.

Parts of my body got numbed by a shot with a syringe.

I got anesthesia through tubes into my blood vessels. I got some numbing and lubricating cream injected into my urinary opening, my vagina and my anus.
The anesthesia made me sleep mostly but I woke up occationally. The anesthesia mostly took away pain. I woke up ocationally during the procedure despite anesthesia given.

There were so many gadgets and machines and tubes and wires. They had video cameras they said because they might have to refer to those later when they made the report to my Dad.


They performed an EEC (electroencephalogram) - functional test of the brain with electrodes on the head. They performed an ECG functional test of the heart function with electrodes on my chest and other body areas. They performed an analysis of my breathing and oxygen uptake where I had to breath into a tube. They did some other type of test with advanced machines.

They examined me with an ultrasound device or something similar at my head, neck, upper body, stomach area, shoulder area, hip area, arms and legs. They took x-ray pictures of my chest, stomach and hip area.

They used electrodes to record functions inside my head, at my chest and my belly.

They examined my genitals with an ultrasound device. They had electrodes at my genitals to record functions in this area.


They inspected the inside of my nose with a scope They took specimens from my nose with a tube. They inspected the inside of my throut with a scope. They took specimens from my throut with a tube.


They inspected the inside of my urethra and bladder with a scope. They took specimens from my urethra with a tube. They took specimens from my bladder with a tube. They used a speculum in my vagina. They took specimens from my vagina with a tube. They inspected my vagina with a scope. They inspected me through my vagina with an ultrasound probe. The doctor explored my vagina with a finger.


The doctor explored my anus with a finger. They inspected my anus with a speculum.


They did a lot but these are all I can sort of remember. I was pretty groggy!! The probes attached to me kind of tingled, especially the ones on my vulva and mound and breasts. It was kind of embarrassing but when they did things inside my vagina and anus it was stimulating.

I tried to make that stop but they said relax let it happen this is partly why they were doing this.


They held me inconscious for some hours I had IVs into blood vessels. I had electrodes on my head. I had electrodes on my body. I had catheter into my bladder. I lay with my legs in stirrups some time after the exam.

I then just lay some time in a bed to recover. I lay naked under a blanket after the exam. They applied pain relieving jelly to my anus and in my vagina and on my $%!@. All three were swollen and red. They were soreeeee!!!!!

I was to lay there for three more hours. The nurse kept putting on the ointment until the swelling and redness went away a lot. They talked a lot about the confidensiality agreement and I was to talk to no one about this not even my friends or my Dad.

They told me to just tell Dad it was like when my pediatrician gave me exams. They said if I violated this that we would get in a lot of trouble. They said what they did required secretly.


I went to a Montessori school. I went to an evening or weekend gymnastic school. It's a normal school I guess except they are strict.


What is told about here is a standardized procedure that kids in selected communities and scools are subjected to around the world. I have many reports of similar procedures that point to this conclusion.

Some of these places subject all kids to the procedure, others select some of them. The procedure seems to have originated back in the 1950es. It has occured all the time since then, and it seems to occur even more than ever in our time. It has got steadily more extensive and continually got modernized with advanced equipment.

The procedure is probably coordinated and managed by some international organization, possibly UN-WHO, since it occurs in virtually all countries. Montessori schools, gymnastic schools and ballet schools are particularly involved with these ordeals, and it looks like these schools get money for letting the kids be used.

The main purpose of the procedure seems to be use of the kids for surveillance of the population and scientific research. The kids may have some benefit from it, because diseases and health problems can be detected by the procedures, so this is also a purpose, but not the main one.

Since the girl got anesthesia, many things not remmeberd was surely done. The tube she got in her anus during the preparation was probably in order to clean her colon more thorroighly. They surely did a full colonoscopy and ultrasound examination through her anus. They possibly inspected her stomach with a scope inserted down through her mouth.

It seems like a standarized test of sexual reactions was a part of the exam, done by mechanical intruments and electrodes. The material I have sems to indicate that such a test has been added to the procedure in the latest years.

When they find some anatomical problems in the urethra, bladder, vagina, anud, rectum or colon of the kids, they will often correct it right away during the procedure if possible, and the kid will be held oncouncious some time after the main exam when they make these corrections. One way they do so is by insering long balloons through the pelvic openings and pump these up to correct narrowness in areas. The fact that the girl was held unconscious a long time after the main exam and was very sore in her urethra, vagina and anus can possibly be explained with this assumption.

It is possible they placed one or two microchips inside her so that her body functions and whereabouts can be surveilled by radio communication. In my material I have a couple of testamonials about such having been found.

These procedures are generally held secret for the common public. They are also often held wholly or partially secret for the kids and parents by use of anesthesia. In this case the girl was threatened about consequences if she shared her experiences whith anybody, included her father. But they both apparently got some information before the ordeal.

The diagnosis sexual hyperactivity, looks like a fake diagnosis, and possibly only has the purpose of having the girl followed and surveilled further. The therapist seems to have the task of following her and cooperate with the project.

It is posible that this school or community is controlling the bahavior of kids very thightly and restict all kind of sexual behavior, and that they select all kids with some kind of sexual interest for this procedure and therapy to controle their behavior. It is accordingly possible that the diagois is a tag thay use for kids wich are more sexually sensual than a strict average. There always seem to be a cooperation between the school a kid attends and the project doing the procedure.

Even though the procedure itself is something standard, the staff performing these procedures tend sometimes to do something in addition in some cases solely for own sexual gratification. It is possible that they used the girl as sexual play toy after the exam. The bad symptoms in her genitals and anus can also be explained this way. The strange diagnosis and the threatening of the girl thereafter also point to that conclusion.

But this conclusion is not clear. It is possible that they feared that the things they did could be were misinterpreted as sexual abuse- In either case the secrecy stuff is not a gopd thing.

Knut Holt
