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Extended well-child and well teen physicals

Girl, 10yo-16yo, Canada, bi-annual fullbody inspection in montessory school

Posted by Aquila on 2018-04-12 22:26:33

Girl, 11yo-16yo, Canada, Bi-yearly full body inspection in a Montessori school

I am female. It happened in Canada in 2000-2009, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 years old.

The exam was just announced suddenly at the beginning of the first day. The exam happpene at a room in the school that was preliminary prepared for the event.

All children of the age group in my community and children in my school of the age group and in the kindergarten had the exam.

Those questions didn't quite apply, so let me clarify by telling you the scenario:

It was a montessori school in Canada. I moved there to start 6th grade and had never gone to a school like that before.

The exam was done right in the classroom by assistant nurses and the teachers. The first day of class they just announced out of nowhere they were going to do medical exams and puberty measurements, and we should all take all of our clothing off. All the other kids did it right away without caring, apparently it was something they were used to, but I wasn't, so I was really embarrassed. It took me a long time before I could move, but they asked me again and I realized everyone else was doing it so I'd just go along with it.


I had to strip totally naked before the exam. I was placed to lay on my back with steight legs, on my stomach with my legs flexed down and spread, on my right side, on my left side.

I did not get any anesthesia. They laid us down on the beanbag chairs that were in the classroom. We changed positions multiple times as asked, and the examiners mostly kneeled down or sat on stools.


They went over every inch of my skin, head to toe, and touched and felt and checked everything. They pressed my skin to see its texture, they rubbed my abdomen for a long time to feel how my organs were. They listened with their ear directly touching my skin in several places. They used small measuring tapes and rulers to measure every tiny aspect of my body, depth of my vagina, length of my $%!@.

I was super embarrassed and turned red all over but they said it was nothing to feel bad about. I kept trying to cover myself and they had to move my hands.

I was terrified they were going to make us $%!@e or something, like provide a sample. It seemed like they wanted to test every body function, but the only sample they took was they had us all pee in a cup. I saw some boys with erect $%!@es having them measured, but I don't know if the nurses stimulated them or just let it happen on its own.

Months later when I brought it up, and told other students my fears (we had gotten to know each other better) they seemed to feel there would be nothing wrong with it if they did want to $%!@e us.


They took specimens from my nose with a tube. They took specimens from my throut with a tube. They took specimens from my urethra with a tube. They used a speculum in my vagina. They took specimens from my vagina with a tube. They took specimens from my anus with a tube. The doctor explored my vagina with a finger. The doctor explored my anus with a finger.


They also asked a million questions about everything my body does, and since I was new and had no prior records they had to ask me the most. They asked when my pubic hair came in, but also just random things like do I cry sometimes, are my tears coming out fine, do I have too much or too little earwax.


Some other type of arrangements. We just went on with classes as normal, afterwards. I was shaking and was desperately trying to find my clothes. I noticed half the class didn't even bother putting their clothes back on, some only got half-dressed. Most of the class stayed barefoot and continued that habit in class from then on.


Everyone else just acted like nothing weird happened at all, but the teachers noticed how uncomfortable I was and after class they talked to my parents, and I was signed up for psychological examinations. In those sessions the therapist gently at first, then over time more insistently told me to undress and to get comfortable with it. I went to four more psych sessions that were held totally nude before they decided I was healthy.


I went to a Montessori school. It was just a montessori school, they said they prided themselves on doing things differently, giving individual attention, and not worrying about the way other people do things or giving a lot of pointless rules. I could write a whole book on how strange and different it was, including subjects like health, sexual education, and phys ed, but I did get a better education. and it was interesting never getting talked to about how I dressed or if I scratched myself or how I sat or anything.

These full body exams happened for the next 5 years, on the first day of each new school year, and the first day back from winter vacation.


Montessori schools tend to monitor the bodily and mental development of each kids very detailledly in order to fit the teaching the best ways to rach kid. Since inspections and mesaurements in the pelvic reagion and data one can get by inspections through the pelvic openings tell very much about the development stage, this region is perhaps monitored the most in these schools.

These schools has however some standards for what they concider a normal development, and if these standards are not met, they tend to subject the children for adjustments of various kind, including adjustments with instruments put in through the urethra vagina and anus, special training regimes of itimate kind and external physiological therapies. This account does not tell about these kind of adjustments, but the girl was sent to a psychologist for a more thorrough psychological assessment and possible adjustments of mental and emotional kind.

Since many children were examined at the same time the school probably had apppintments with nurses from some health institution nearby, and the teachers also seemed to have been thought about how to perform the exam. It is possible that the data measured at the exam were used in some scientific project that the society was running and that the school got money from that project.

Knut Holt


Posted by awayness on 2018-04-14 00:12:25

I see you deleted that discussion thread. Not happy about the conversation going on?

Posted by Aquila on 2018-04-14 00:35:39

It contained handlings that may be interpreted as illegal in various jurisdictions that I am bound by. Also it could give the impression that I was engaged in recruiting children for these type of ordeals. In fact I am very scheptical about the safety and healthyness for children by these ordeals I am investigating. So I have decided to keep away all discussions that look like recruitement of children.

Posted by awayness on 2018-04-14 20:30:54

I hope we never find ourselves in the world you think you're living in, though it's probably inevitable.