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Extended well-child and well teen physicals

Girl, 12yo, Australia, external and internal emmergemcy development check

Posted by Aquila on 2018-06-01 22:58:04

Girl, 12 yo, Australia, total body development assessment arranges as an emmergency cervice

This testamonial got obtained by a private conversation. The girl refered to the testamonials from another girl in Australia, writing that jer experience was mostly the same, bat with a few diferences and with some details better clairified. The following is therefor based on the testamonial from the first gtirl with some additions and differences. This ordeal happened in 2004, the oyher after 2014, so this seems to be an ongoing longterm program in certain Australian communities.

I am female. It happened in Australia, in 2004. when I was 12 year old. I had just had my first period a week ago, and my parents asked me to take off my clothes and then they checked if I was clea all over. Then I was allowed to take on clothes again

Then my parents drove me to the exam. At a special establishment used for these type of exams. I was told this was common, so I assume all girls my age had something similar once they started menstruating. I don't know what about seeing my body told them it was time.

The establishment was situated in: the Ohio Valley Medical Center (OVMC/EORH) in Wheeling, W. Virginia, in 2004.

I heard others in our town experienced strange physical exams at Ohio Valley Medical Center but I never spoke to anyone who had. There was a rumor that parents of these children were paid $300 in cash. My parents would never talk about it.

My parents did not stay with me during teh exam.


I was totally naked through all the procedures. I had to strip totally naked before the exam. They washed my body before the exam.

I got anestesia through a mask, probably N2o-gad thst made my extremely dizzy, but did mot put me to søeep fully..

They placed me upon a simple examination table, but they placed me in several ways during the exam: I was placed to lay on my back with steight legs, on my stomack with streight legs, on my stomach with my legs flexed down and spread, on my right side and on my left side.

I got electrodes on my legs that were used to monitor my body reactions duing the exams that followed. I did not get any anesthesia.


The doctor checked over my whole body, examined my fingers lengths, spread my toes apart.

They used a speculum in my vagina. They inspected my vagina with a scope. The doctor explored my vagina with a finger. The doctor explored my anus with a finger. Looked inside every hole I've got.


He had me do a lot of different positions like squat, handstand, lift one leg, lie on my back and lift both legs, lots of things like that.

They examined arms and legs with an ultrasound device or something similar.


They looked inside my anus and colon with a flexible endosocpe.I could feel it nove inside my intestines. They perfomed cystosocpy. They looked through my mouth down into my stomach with a a flexible endosope.


If I remember correctly, the whole thing had my head spinning, they, 2 different doctors [?] made me $%!@ twice. I would estimate at least 12 persons, both male and female, saw me naked that day. I was so overwhelmed I dared not ask any questions of my examiners.

During that he asked me a lot of questions, like had I had sex, had I felt up or been felt up, have I kissed anyone. The doctors touched my nipples and asked if that felt good. He spent some time touching me on my minge and asked if it felt good too. They said it was important to see if those bits are working right yet.


They performed an ECG, functional test of the heart function, with electrodes on my chest and other body areas. They performed an analysis of my breathing and oxygen uptake where I had to breath into a tube. I had to do some physical work, like cycling or running on a threadmill when the ECG and breathing analysis was performed. They did some other type of test with advanced machines.


We did the x-ray bits after that, and then I just went home.

After the positioning, I went naked to the x-ray room and got an x-ray of my stomach and my limbs. Throughout, several different nurses came in and left. I think maybe some were students.


At one point, while trying to come out of the effects of anesthesia, I felt like someone was laying next to me. That I am not certain of. I have flashes but no firm memories.

When I awoke, I tried to sit up but I was too dizzy to even do that. I just had to lie there and wait for my head to clear.

When the exam was over one of the technicians help me get dressed and escorted me to the lobby where I sat and waited till my parents showed up to take me back home.

There was some time spent in the hallway while my parents talked with the doctor more and then with the front desk (Mum had been out filling out forms throughout). Then we just drove home.

The whole experience was very unsettling and embarrassing so I never asked my parents about what the purpose was. I was grateful they never brought the subject up either.

Afterwards my vagina bled a little and I had an itching sensation in my lower intestines.


I was homeschooled, we live way out far from others.


This is for the most parts the standard ordeal that I have docomentation for from all parts of the world. I think it is coordinated by the World Health Organisation, since it is so firmly establshed and occurs fairly much. But it seems to be held mostly secret. The main difference between the occurances is the degree of direct sexual testing.

One prurpose was to check general health and development status.

But it also seems that this society is very eager to controle and keep record of the sexual activities of girls and possibly also boys.

A great purpose was also to use kids as research object in some project or continually ongoing program regarding thee devekopment and habbit of kids.

Also the kids were used as objects for teaching of medical students and doctors under specialization.

I have researched these kind of ordeals for a long time, and I know they oddu in selected communities all over the world. They begun in th 1950es, as gone on since that time, but been gradually modrnized and extended, and they occur now more than ever.

The stories from Australia differs from most other places that sexual reactions are tested and extensive interggogation of sexual life is performed, which telll that surveillance and research is a great objective for the ordals.

Edited by Knut Holt
