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Extended well-child and well teen physicals

Girl with brother, South Africa, 8-14yo, internal procedures with sexual abuse

Posted by Aquila on 2019-07-21 12:47:39

Girl with brother, South Africa, , 8-14yo, extensive endoscopic procedures combined with sexual abuse


Girl with brother, 9-14yo, South Africa, extensive internal procedures conbined with sexual and sadistic abuse

There is an international program going on where children and teens are subjected to extensive examinations and tests in all body areas, including endoscopic examinations through all body openings, but whith the pelvic organs most in focus. Children in selected communities or schools are subjected to the procedure and it occurs in all countries in the world.

The purpose of the procedure is surveillance of the young population in the world, and to use kids as tissue source and guinea pigs for medical experiments. The program is coordinated by some central international body, possibly the WHO, certain research institutions and certain big foundations.

The teams performing this program work very independently and their daily activities are not under the control of the regular authorities in the countries. They mainly report to central national and international coordinators. They may however provide some of the results to schools and local authorities for their use, and may perform extra procedures on the children asked for by such authorities, and personal from schools and ordinary health centers may assist by the ordeals, but without having any authority withim the teams.

The parents of the children selected are typically made to sign formulas where the teams are granted extensive authority upon the children, and the parents may get so-called free medial care or money as compensation.

A standardized testing of sexual reflexes is a part of the examination procedure. However the independence and legal immunity of these teams make it possible for them also to use children they examine for own sexual gratification or gratification of other mental impulses, and according to several testamonials I have, this occurs frequently. The degree varies from twisting the exam procedures in a sexually loaded way, to downright rape It also looks like assisting personal from outside the teams sometimes take part in sexual absue of the chilren, and that they are protected from legal persecution by people high up in the society.

The following testamonial is a documentation about an extreme version of the things said above. I post the testamonial mostly in the form resceived, except that I have changed some words that young people tend to use, but that somebody may find vulgar.

From the testamonial it looks like they use the girl and his brother extensively to harvest tissues. They also test the reaction of one kid upon experiencing a sibling undergoing extreme pain, and to what extent one kid will take pain herself to hinder the same happen to the other. This can be something the team has been instructed to do by their central coordinators, or something they do from own idea as a cynical and sadistic game.

It is impossible to know securely if such a testimonial is true or false, or beasically true, but exagerated. But it conforms well to other testimonials I have about the same type of abusive ordeals. The testamonial may have been written by the girl herself or by an adult. The language in the testamonial is in a style expected from a teenager of her age. The English in the testamonial is mostly correct, but bears sign of written by sombody having another native language without definite article, but educated in an English-speaking envirinment. This makes it more likely to be authentic.


From Jackeline


Hello I'm an identical twin, both my brother and me get wierd exams and extreme tests.

I'm female 14 in South Africa. Happened 2014 to current. From 9 years old to now

We were never given notice of exam. At 9 years old, men came to our house, put cameras and microphones in my bedroom and bathroom. They made us share same room and bed.. WHich we had before, only seperating once in while. No notice but a Van would pull up, men would walk in the house, come in the room and take us away. They had a key so they came at different hours, in middle of night when sleeping, during day on toilet and not let you finish etc. We used to go public school, but moved to private when exams and testing started.


It would vary, sometimes put to sleep after getting into surgery/exam room and hooked up. Sometimes put to sleep way before.. Some exams they gave us something so we couldn't sleep and were wide awake. Sometimes laying on back normal, sometimes on back with legs in holders, tied down and spread open.. Sometime chest straped to table facing down, butt and legs hanging and not touching floor.


They inserted small tube with camera and looked around. Both my brother and me have the same scars in same places, our armpits, butt checks, neck, bellybutton. Between my vulva and thigh, and on my brother, between his $%!@ and thigh.. I think something was put in me, because they put something in his scrotum sack. You can feel it and see it if you hold flashlight under his sack.


Sometimes when put to sleep, we wake up there, sometimes we wake up in our bed at home.


We were in public school.. After they put cameras in my room and made us share room and bed, we moved to different private school. They test us to compare each other and against each other, tested see who loved the other most by accepting the others pain.. tested to see if we can feel what the other is going through..

My brother had earplugs and blindfold and helmet put on,, We were 10 and in same room. We had electrodes hooked to us. A number of men raped me in all my holes and they were not gentle, even hitting and punching me. I got black eyes and bruises and my anus was ripped and needed stitches.. I was screaming and crying very hard.. My brother threw up and curled into ball.. His monitor looked like mine. they took everything off him and made him watch them finish raping me.

The next week, they said it was my turn to be blindfolded and hearing blocked. I didn't want my brother to go through what I did. I begged them cover him and hurt me again.They said he would get the same as what I got.. but if I want to take his place, everything will be doubled.. I tell them I didn't care, just do whatever to me and leave him alone. They plugged my ears and blindfolded me, I thought they lied, but they didn't.. I was raped twice as much and twice as hard. I couldn't see or hear, but I felt everything more instensely.. They do that once a year.. the other exams not so extreme.. I make them rape me twice every year too, or give me the pain if testing needed, so my brother doesn't experience it.

Edited and commented by

Knut Holt
