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Extended well-child and well teen physicals

Boy, 5-20yo, Europe, extensive yearly assessment with pelvic focus

Posted by Aquila on 2020-06-28 13:56:12

Boy, 5-20yo, Europe, extensive yearly assessment with pelvic focus

I am male. It happened in Western Europe. It happened in Eastern Europe. 1980-1989 1990-1999 2000-2009, wen I was 5 years old 6 years old 7 years old 8 years old 9 years old 10 years old 11 year old 12 years old 13 years old 14 years old 15 years old 16 years old 17 year old 18 years old 19 years old 20 year old or more 0

I went there alone by myself. Also other ways of getting to the exam. At a health center.

All children in my school of the age group had it.


I was not allowed to eat some time before the exam. I got laxatives at home to clean out my stomach the day before the exam. My stomach was cleaned out by a tube incerted into my anus that was connected to some pump and flush mashine. I was totally naked through all the procedures. I had to strip totally naked before the exam.

They placed me upon a simple examination table. They placed me upon something like a dentist's chair but with devices to lift my legs onto. I was placed to lay on my back with steight legs. I was placed to lay on my back with my legs flexed up, spread and mounted upon two devices. I was placed to lay on my stomack with streight legs. I was placed to lay on my stomach with my legs flexed down and spread. I wa placed to lay on my right side and my left side

I got IVs tubes into blood vessels in an arm. I got a device on a finger or a toe to measure pulse and oxygen in my blood. I got a blood pressure monitor wrapped around an arm or a leg. I got electrodes on my cheast. I got electrodes on my stomach or hip region. I got electrodes on my legs. I got electrodes on my head.

I got a tube or wire in through my urethra. I got a tube or sond in through my anus.

I did not get any anesthesia.


They performed an EEC (electroencephalogram) - functional test of the brain with electrodes on the head. They performed an ECG functional test of the heart function with electrodes on my chest and other body areas. They performed an analysis of my breathing and oxygen uptake where I had to breath into a tube. I had to do some physical work like cycling or running on a threadmill when the ECG and breathing analysis was performed.

They examined my stomach area, my hip area, arms and legs with an ultrasound device or something similar.

They took chest x-ray pictures of my chst, stomach, shouøder area, hip area and limbs.

They used electrodes to record functions inside my head, chest, belly, and limbs.

They examined my genitals with an ultrasound device. They had electrodes at my genitals to record functions in this area.


They ispected the inside of my nose with a scope They took specimens from my nose with a tube. They inspected the inside of my throut with a scope. They took specimens from my throut with a tube.

They inspected the inside of my urethra and bladder with a scope. They took specimens from my urethra with a tube. They took specimens from my bladder with a tube.

They inspected my anus with a speculum. They took specimens from my anus with a tube. They inspected me through my anus with a rigid scope. They inspected me through my anus high up with a flexible scope. They performed a full colonoscopy with a flexible scope. They inspected me through my anus with an ultrasound probe. The doctor explored my anus with a finger.


I had IVs into blood vessels. I had electrodes on my head. I had electrodes on my body. I had catheter into my bladder. I had a tube going in through my anus. I had a tube hoing in through my nose or down into my stomach. I lay with my legs in stirrups some time after the exam. 0 0


I attended public boarding school. I went to some other type of school.


This is a standard procedure children in selected communities all over the world go through and which is coordinated internationally. The purpose is surveillance of the health and development of kids, and some societies use it also for health screening. The procedure has a long history it is still going on even more than ever and the political constitution of the society does not seems to play a part, which strongly point to an international coordination, probably through the WHO.

At early times, this procedure had most focus on the pelvic area of the kids. Gradually the procedure has been extended so that it also contain internal inspection of the pupper body, and test of neurological functions, heart and lungs, and a more extensive orthopedic screening. But still the main focus is of the pelvic organs and lower digestive system.

This boy seems to have experienced all the ingredients of the procedure and experienced that it got steadily more extensive.

Most kids go through this procedure only 3 times, but kids ins some societies of schools go through it each year, which poit to the school or scoety gets money for lending out the kids to this part or research.

There are some slight differences between the eastern countries and the west. In the eastern zone one often only uses anesthesia to hinder pain, while in west one tries to hide what is going on with the kid by using general anesthesia or deep sedation. So regarding these things the west is more secretive than the east.

Even though it is indicated that no anesthesia got used, he probably got sedation and pain-killing stuff through the IV tube. But with so many experiences, he will inevitably remember most of the procedures that were done with him, from one time or another.

Knut Holt


Posted by Calaban on 2020-07-23 22:27:32

In 7th. and 8th. grade, my physical health and the female health and educational courses was all brought together under one initiative involving every female in our curriculum spending time handling, examining, inspecting, and documenting my naked 14 year old body and any changes observed when their hands were holding my privates. I had no entitlements too privacy back then, but found that no matter who's house I was in, I was always welcome too undress and give any females present a show. The casual manner that females of all ages just reached out and touched my $%!@, grasping my testicles or spreading my cheeks without asking for my consent or permission sometimes made me feel sexually objectified, like a piece of meat. There were times when I was really on board with that.

Posted by bj98101 on 2020-07-25 19:36:56

they especially love grabbing the balls