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Tickling as discipline for kids

My Mother will Punish Me

Posted by SoonToBePunished2021 on 2021-06-23 02:01:33

Hello, my name is Sam (teenager). My mother is requiring me to type this message for you all, in order to help her with my tickle punishment.

I have been a bad son.

A few days ago I disobeyed my mom's wishes and went to a party at night with my friends. I lied, saying I had Summer school hw to do, snuck out, and instead I stayed out till 3am (gone for a whole 7 hours). I wasn't able to sneak back in. And my mother was furious. My mother was originally gonna ground me, but she decided against it as she had recently discovered this website and wanted to give me a unique punishment to embarrass me and so that I never disobey her again, so she decided to give me tickle punishments throughout the summer to atone for my wrongdoing.

My mother is watching over me while I write this, and she will be checking up on this post periodically. She wants you all to give her suggestions on how to proceeded with my tickle punishment (She says if I was your son, how would you punish me). She says not to leave any details out as I will be forced to read each one out to my mother (the longer and more detailed the post the better the punishment for me she says). Depending on the number of results she may make this my primary form of punishment, especially for the rest of the summer. (And maybe beyond, so continue to write your suggestions. She assures me that this could continue indefinitely)

Anyone can and should post their suggestions but she would love it if the mothers on the site also chimed in but anyone can, the more the merrier she says

She wants me to feel extremely sorry for what Ive done, so don't hold back she says.

Most importantly spread the word, so my mother can get as many suggestions as possible, she loves the longer posts regarding tickle punishments.

Thank You in advance, from me and my Mother.

Posted by Leon Shark on 2021-06-23 03:50:29

Well if you were my son I would tie you spread eagle to my bed completely naked and tickle every inch of your body paying close attention to your worst spots. By then you would probably be hard from the tickles and as is been discussed in other threads I'd edge your disobedient prick until you begged me to do anything just to stop. Could negotiate a lot out of you into being a good boy. I'd edge you really close repeatedly so you knew how bad it might get if you didn't straighten up. Then I decide if I untie you for the night to let you relieve yourself or I leave you there until morning. What better way than tickling you again, hm?

Posted by SoonToBePunished2021 on 2021-06-23 05:50:37

@Leon Shark

Congrats on being the fist Leon Shark. Your suggestion of tickles, bondage and edging is very exiting, she wonders how long you would keep me tied up if I hadn't learned my lesson the first time.

She says to make sure to get the word out on this post so she can have as many responses as possible to properly punish me.

Thank You again :)

Posted by Leon Shark on 2021-06-23 11:44:31

Just til the morning but if you're still defiant we can do another day of denial. What does your mother think of doing that to you?

Posted by SoonToBePunished2021 on 2021-06-23 14:35:32

@Leon Shark

She thinks its a very interesting, and very torturous (in a good way) thing to do for my punishments.

She wants to focus primarily on the tickling, but the added pressure and embarrassment of the edging is making her brain go wild with "ideas" as she has told me.

She wrote down your suggestions but is keeping her ideas secret from me, so that I will be surprised when it is time for my first punishment.

She told me to ask, what your thoughts are on increasing my embarrassment by wearing "adult cloths" as she says. Also she asks what would you do to enhance the tickling, such as using tools, gags, or something she calls "sensory deprivation." I'm not sure what it is but my mother sounds excited.

Thank You again for the response :)