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Should parents cane their children

What is Customary: Cane, Paddle, or Belt

Posted by R.J. on 2016-09-16 17:12:54

If the cane is the customary instrument of punishment, I guess it is OK. In my experience growing up the paddle and belt were more commonly used. In whatever is used, it should be tempered as to age and nature of misbehaved offense and never severe to the point of abuse or injury to the child.


Posted by barefootboy111 on 2016-09-21 12:15:27

At home I have always been whipped, first used the cane, for some 'time my sister was given one tawste, which is a leather belt divided into three parts that used to punish the Scots boys. Cane is devastating, but perhaps the tawste it is even more.

Posted by eddiemorgan on 2016-09-23 20:13:05

I get spanked by my mom and my dad and they use a belt. I've only been caned once, by my uncle and that hurt far worse than the belt ever has. And I don't think it was because he hit harder. He's spanked me with a belt and the cane is definitely worse.

Posted by R.J. on 2016-09-23 22:53:06

I can give no testimony regarding the cane. It was never a part of punishment at school or home. Our school used the wood paddle and I witnessed friends and boys in general get paddled with it and in 8th grade, got it for the first time myself.

My dad did the spanking at home. As a young boy it was with his hand and as I got older he used a piece of scrap wood to make a paddle and used it until around age 13 when it became his belt for spankings.

The belt seemed the worse even being a teenager, maybe because dad always required those tannings to be bare butt.


Posted by roger21 on 2016-09-24 12:24:45

I was caned quite a lot as a child and teenager and I can assure all that if you haven't felt its sting then you really don't want to. Quite simply put it hurts! My father used it and so did an aunt; my mother's elder sister. She was of the old school who believed that a boy needed the cane, that it did him good. She caned my cousins and me for every little wrong doing and often just because she thought it was time for a good bottom warming!