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All boys should be circumcised by the time they are 15. Agree or Disagree


Posted by jord123 on 2017-03-31 18:53:22

True. Mine isn't and Im not 15 yet but Id be scared to get it done.

Posted by Dmtv on 2017-04-18 16:09:22

Your feelings are understandable. Even though you agree in principle, you're still not too thrilled about the idea of getting part of your p*nis taken off.

However this poll on misterpoll about boys circumcised when they were 12-19 seems to show that most of the boys were quite pleased with the result:


Posted by Dmtv on 2017-04-22 19:15:30

You're probably more afraid of the unknown, than the actual procedure, and you may be afraid you wouldn't like the result.

Posted by JONGEN on 2017-07-21 21:23:16

its true because a cirky is much prettyer . my penus feels cool and looks cool because it doesnt have that stupid baloney wrap