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What is Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI)?

Posted by Willjoe on 2022-05-24 09:37:24

What is Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI)? Instead of procuring physical desktop computers, you create virtualized instances of desktops over your on-premise data center. Employees can access these Virtual Machines (VMs) from the workplace or their homes, at a time and device of their liking with the help of Virtual Desktop Providers

Benefits of VDI Despite the upfront cost of setting up an on premise data center, VDI brings along a lot of benefits for the deploying entity. Lets discuss a few major ones.

Cost Efficiencies When you have switched over to VDI, you are utilizing the storage and capacity of your data center instead of individual devices. By doing so, you can extend the lifespan of your otherwise obsolete IT hardware and avoid constant upgrades.

Ease of Management In VDI, any changes you perform to the delivery stack such as updates, patches or new applications have to be done centrally. The effect is passed on to all your VMs due to centralized management. You dont have to upgrade each physical device in VDI.

Centrality of Enterprise Data In VDI, all your enterprise data is stored centrally over data center(s) instead of employee devices. This improves data privacy and security. Even if an individual device is lost or malfunctions, you dont risk losing any critical data in the process.

Instant Backup In VDI, your enterprise data is converged at a single data center. To further protect this data, constant backups of this data are maintained at physically dispersed locations. In case of any contingency, data can be restored immediately due to a robust backup mechanism.

Enhanced Performance To support VDI, state of the art data centers are set up, which is a one time long term expense. As all the heavy lifting is done by your data center, your employees enjoy unrivaled performance that's not possible for individual endpoint devices.

Improved Security Due to centralized data in Virtual Hosted Server, it becomes easier for you to implement enterprise-grade security protocols. These include but are not limited to user authentication, encryption, intrusion detection and prevention, malware, and ransomware protection.

Ease of Scalability As opposed to the traditional IT model where you need to increase hardware in order to scale, VDI allows you to instantly scale up or down. All you have to do is increase or decrease the number of Virtual Machines (VM) as per changing needs.

Quick On-Boarding With Hosted VDI, on boarding new employees is a breeze. Even if your employee is in another city or country, access to enterprise data and applications can instantly be granted. This improves organizational efficiency and agility.

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