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Why you need DaaS for your growing business?

Posted by Rachel Gomez on 2022-07-07 10:40:46

Windows 10 Desktop as a Service has made significant strides in becoming an accepted strategy for desktop management in businesses over the last few years. A series of just-released reports shows how the technology has made at least 25% Year over Year, and the number keeps going up. The reasons for this are varied, depending on the business embarking on the transformation. But there are benefits that are found across industries and geographies. We’ve narrowed them down to these five benefits.

Below is the list of Top 5 benefits of DaaS

Improved Accessibility

When Desktop-as-a-Service is utilized as the desktop management strategy for a business, employees realize much better accessibility. The reason is DaaS Azure Virtual Desktop can be accessed from any device that can connect to an internet connection. Meaning regardless of the device or operating system (Android, iOS, phone, tablet, desktop or laptop computer) the employee can access their desktop.

Increased Productivity

Building on the benefit of the improvement in the employee’s ability to access their work product, businesses who utilize DaaS realize increased productivity and the ability to meet operational goals ahead of time. The reason this is possible is that employees can access their work product regardless of their location. All they need is an internet connection and a device capable of using that connection. Problem solved. Now, your employee can log in from home, at the doctor’s office, on the train for the morning commute, enabling them to engage with their coworkers and move projects forward without interruption.

Lower Operating Costs

Lower costs drive many marketing campaigns for a wide range of new technologies fighting for limited budgets, but when it comes to DaaS, cost savings are not just a buzzword. The reality is that Desktop-as-a-Service does save businesses money. Ways that the technology accomplishes this is by reducing CapEx, rent, and utilities for businesses that utilize the technology. Companies using DaaS can quickly implement BYOD strategies, enabling employees to use the technology of their choice and removing the line item from a business's budget. Additionally, since DaaS works through cloud technologies, businesses can save money on rent and utilities as they no longer need the server closet to house corporate data.

Greater Agility & Responsiveness

When employees are not tied to a physical laptop or desktop, they are much better equipped to respond quickly to customer requests and industry demands, enhancing the overall corporate agility and responsiveness to the fast-changing business environment.

Enhanced Security

Keeping up with cyber hackers and other malicious sources is a full-time job, and it’s no wonder why businesses choose to employ strict desktop management strategies that maintain full control over an employee's desktop and access to their data. DaaS can help companies to solve this challenge by removing the burden of keeping up with cyber attacks. Providers spend a lot of time and money recruiting the highest qualified cybersecurity experts. After all, their reputation is on the line as much as yours is.

To know more about Virtual Windows PC Cloud visit CloudDesktopOnline.