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How Cloud Hosted Virtual Desktops transform your business

Posted by Peter Groft on 2022-07-14 09:30:42

Virtual Desktop Infrastructure or VDI is a form of desktop virtualization in which desktop environments are hosted on a central server. This technology allows for several desktop images to run within a virtual machine. The images are then delivered to the end-user via a network. The endpoints could be devices like PCs, tablets, smartphones, or thin client terminals.

Why would businesses adopt cloud-hosted virtual desktops? We explain in this post by discussing the Top 10 benefits of cloud hosted virtual desktops.

Centralized, simplified management:

One of the biggest advantages of Cloud Hosted Virtual Desktop is that everything is essentially managed in a central location. This means end-users are not required to hand over their devices and wait for updates to be installed. Instead, new versions of the OS or applications can simply be deployed to the central desktop image, which is in turn made available to all end-user devices.


One of the key end-user benefits is that employees can access their virtual desktop images using devices like laptops, smartphones, and mobiles. Also, due to the unique capabilities of VDI, end-users can access software solutions to which they may not have had access in the past.


VDI can help enterprises become more agile. With VDI, businesses can quickly get access to new VMs for temp or seasonal employees, consultants, and development and testing purposes.

Workforce mobility:

This might, by far, be the most obvious advantage of deploying VDI. Given that the desktops in a VDI architecture are hosted virtually, end-users can access them from anywhere in the world, on pretty much any device, provided they have internet connectivity. This typically results in increased flexibility for both employees and businesses. For employees, this will mean increased morale and productivity. And, when VDI is coupled with technologies (such as VPNs) that allow access to local VDI networks from remote locations, businesses will also be able to employ a diverse workforce that is not restricted by location, thanks to virtualization technologies.

Increased productivity:

One rather overarching benefit of VDI is that it improves the productivity of your employees by offering an enhanced work experience with remote access to desktops, increased security, no downtime due to IT maintenance and upgrades, and more. Virtual desktops help your business operations become more agile, lean, and efficient, while employee efforts and abilities become more focused and flexible. You can ensure that your employees are able to maintain their productivity even in case of a disaster. This type of productivity is invaluable to any business over a period of time.

Cost efficiency:

If the server setup is already present, VDI comes at a minimal cost. Plus, even if businesses need to foot an initial cost to deploy VDI, the long-term savings it offers are significant. In other words, VDI is a positive investment and can bring you substantial returns over time. This is because when you deploy virtualization technologies, you don’t need to spend as much on PC hardware. Licensing costs are also often lower using VDI because a single operating system or application license can often be shared across multiple virtual desktop sessions. Further, with a traditional setup, in the event that maintenance is required, it will take the IT team a significant amount of time to perform the necessary updates on every single machine. This time and effort output can be reduced to a minimum with VDI, which is managed from a central location.

To know more about Azure Virtual Desktop Pricing or Cloud Desktop Service visit CloudDesktopOnline.