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Features comparison between OBS vs Streamlabs

Posted by Rachel Gomez on 2022-10-03 09:09:57

Lets check the Features comparison between OBS vs Streamlabs

If you are new to streaming and have a powerful PC, go with Streamlabs. If you have a low-end PC, you should invest in OBS because it does not impact the computer’s performance and is highly customizable.


Both come with an auto-game detection feature to detect the active game automatically. Below are the features unique to both apps.

Streamlabs OBS pros

Built-in-chat: Streamlabs offers a built-in chat feature with a web-based chatbot to filter out spam. On OBS, you need to install a plugin to enable chat.

Themes/overlays: Streamlabs OBS supports and comes with a wide range of free themes. Check out the 25 free and best Streamlabs overlays.

Donations and payments: Streamlabs offers five built-in payment options to accept donations from fans on YouTube and OBS Twitch. The team does not cut your tips.

Dashboard: Video stats, events, view time, and many other statistics can be viewed on the Streamlabs dashboard. The tool gives you insights to help you work on the weak spots.

Charity: The program allows starting a charity for free.

Test button: The test button lets oversee all the arrangements before going live. It also helps you determine whether your stream alerts have been organized properly.

Undo changes: The program allows you to undo any mistakes with the Ctrl + Z command during a streaming activity.

Remote control: Streamlabs mobile controller app lets you control the Streamlabs OBS desktop app from your mobile phone.

Free sound library: The program offers a free sound library for alerts and notifications.

OBS pros

Minimal CPU usage: From the tests I conducted, OBS consumed minimal CPU resources. Because of that, your gameplay and streaming are smooth compared to Streamlabs.

Starts quickly: While testing, Streamlabs took 5 to 8 seconds on average to open, while OBS only took about 3 seconds.

Over 100 plugins: The tool has about 118 plugins to extend its functionalities.

No Visual C++ Redistributable: Streamlabs requires and installs Microsoft Visual C++, whereas OBS does not.

Optimize on first-time start: OBS shows a wizard to optimize the program for streaming or recording.

Gets updated frequently: OBS is one of the oldest broadcasting software, and it gets updated regularly.

Easy to update: OBS has an update option in the help center to update it. Streamlabs does not offer an update option.

To know more How to set up OBS for Zoom Recording visit Apps4rent.