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How many solar panels for a private home?

Posted by Max Velin on 2021-11-20 13:48:30

I live in Louisiana. And have been planning to install solar panels on my house for a long time. I wanted to know if it would be profitable. Since we don't always have a lot of sunshine. And to find out how many solar panels are needed. What would be enough for the entire private house.

Posted by Emilia01 on 2021-11-21 16:22:46

Louisiana is a good state to install solar panels on https://a1solarstore.com/louisiana-solar-information.html. So you won't be in the negative. In freezing temperatures of about - 22 ° C. You need at least 120 kilowatts of thermal energy to keep your house at 20 degrees Celsius. You will need up to 90 panels. But in winter and in cloudy weather even they will not produce more than 20-25 kW per day.

Posted by Max Velin on 2021-11-21 18:03:02

Thank you for your help and information. Solar panels are now quite profitable and relevant to install. So I think I will do it myself in the near future. And I will save on electricity.

Posted by borissteve on 2021-12-14 14:19:39

An average home requires between 20 and 25 solar panels to cover 100% of its electricity needs. You'll need to install a particular number of panels depending on several factors including your location, panel efficiency, panel rated power, and your personal energy consumption habits.