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I am going to Latvia. Do I have to learn Latvian?

Posted by Max Velin on 2022-04-17 15:44:38

Hello forum members. I have a long way to Latvia and I am not really prepared for it. Do I have to learn Latvian or can I do without it? Give me some advice.

Posted by Emilia01 on 2022-04-17 16:59:03

Learn Latvian if you are going to speak it. Don't learn a few words just to say "hello" and "thank you," it's usually not appreciated, unlike other places. Generally Learn Latvian with the help of online courses that will provide everything you need to master this language. You want to live in the country and understand what's going on around you, have at least a vague idea of what the media is talking about, and make local friends. After all, it's a valuable cultural experience: you don't get to know the country if you don't know the language.

Posted by Marckusha on 2022-04-17 17:36:39

If you go as a tourist, probably not. You can get by as a tourist with English, surprisingly also with German. Most stores and restaurants in major cities have staff who speak English well.

Posted by AshleyJohnson13 on 2022-05-31 13:20:37

I agree that contacting a tutor or getting courses can actually be a great idea. Personally, I use livexp livexp https://livexp.com/ to work with a tutor and improve my language skills, so you can check out this service as well and see if there are the specialists you need because you can easily find natives to practice with there.

Posted by melindalook on 2022-07-25 12:59:50

Subscribe to a few podcasts or Youtube channels and listen while driving or watching while commuting to school or work. At first, you might find the native accents difficult, but stick with it and you, soon start to understand what you hear (as well as learn lots of new vocab from a native speaker!)