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Advice for getting over a girl?

Posted by Marckusha on 2022-04-29 20:11:09

So pretty much I had this 'relationship' with this girl thah lasted about 3 days and it's one of my first in a while I made another thread about it previously. When I check her profile it just hurts so much when I thought this girl was legit. Then it turned out she was just playing me pretty much. Please advise

Posted by Emilia01 on 2022-04-29 21:33:39

After a difficult breakup, many people get depressed. And everyone has their own ways of getting emotional support. I, for example, fought depression with the help of a service dog, but it requires a Psychiatric Service Dog registration, which helps to avoid unpleasant situations in public places and shows people that your dog is a duty animal and must not be disturbed. Consider this option.

Posted by Max Velin on 2022-04-30 08:02:59

Try these - Avoid seeing her

  • Delete her from ur life (facebook,Photos etc)

  • If you're thinking about her just know she doesn't like u so no point

  • find something fun to do [ play games etc] ik its hard but you'll get through it friend