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Funniest rection to my being in a wheelchair

Posted by NewLife21 on 2022-08-30 09:35:45

I'm a C-4 incomplete quadriplegic. Over the 11 years I've been in a wheelchair, there have been many incidents that have made me laugh. My best friend did it best, she walked in one day and said get up out of that chair you lazy cow! That's the sort of thing you need people to say, not pitying looks or sideways glances. Thanks for this

Posted by Cybergirl on 2022-08-30 09:53:32

Oh, the funniest reaction to me was when a little kid told me I was riding in a throne on wheels, so I'm the car king. It was hilarious. My in-laws bought me the thing then https://marcsmobility.com/new-power-wheel-chairs/jazzy-power-chairs.html and I was upset because I wanted a scooter instead of a regular wheelchair. But after saying that, I realized that my parents made the right choice, so I'm very grateful to them.

Posted by Dzhizus on 2022-08-30 09:58:53

Loved reading this, and yes, I am one of those who doesn't know what to do: can I be straight or do I have to be careful with what I say? I don't want to upset anyone! Anyhow, you made me laugh. :)