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Are online QR code generators safe to use?

Posted by Cromvel on 2023-09-06 09:55:21

Are online QR code generators safe to use?

Posted by Frank Davis on 2023-09-08 10:12:00

Depends on the platform I think. If you are looking for some trusted option for your business, then simply use this realible and effective qr code generator https://link-to-qr.com/. Using QR codes on stickers and labels can make the presentation of your products more exciting and efficient. Combine digital and offline tools for your advertising campaign and attract more customers

Posted by olivia davis on 2023-09-08 10:18:31

Depends on the generator. You are right to be concerned because a QR code will usually pass through a third party for tracking purposes. It is also possible to simply point it directly to your website, but that is less desirable because you won't be able to track the clicks as easily or be able to redirect the traffic to an updated page.

Bitly was easiest for many years, but in 2014 they discontinued that service. Google offers the same service on its Redirecting URL shortener service. You simply add .qr at the end of the shortened URL and that generates a Redirecting QR code. If you do a little research, you will discover that Google uses its own Charts API to generate that code and you can use it to generate arbitrary QR codes just as easily.