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Speedos and Boys and the way they feel..


Posted by MPC2777055868 on 2005-01-07 07:20:55

I'm 13 and i love speedos. I wear them all the time at the pool and beach. All my frinds hate them, and my mom doesn't like them either but i still persevere. i know that people who dont wear them are often lacking in self confidence. I am not gay but even though i am so young i still love everything about them. The are faster, sleeeker, tan better.

Posted by Stefania on 2005-04-23 15:16:43

My brother is 16 and all my friends virtually drool when he is around them wearing his speedos. He shaves completely as I have seen him. His package is also very nice. Yes he does look good in speedos.

Posted by kzle on 2005-08-08 21:20:39

wearing speedos

I am 13 and go to home school. I am on a summer pool swim team. I like to wear my speedos only mine were got in germany when i was there last summer. i wear one when i swim at the pool or anywhere. I am small for my age and it dosent bother me if people see the size of mine in them. in europe most kids wear them but some older boys wear board shorts. if i was all huge down there i would probly wear some other kind of suit too. in summer i mostly wear mine all the time because we swim so much. when we go to the beach i live in my suits and sandels. my mom likes it cause i dont make dirty cloths and i like it cause i can do everything and dont have to change so much. i even sleep in mine and in the morning i take a shower under our outside shower thing.

Posted by kzle on 2005-08-08 21:27:54


I spelled my name wrong. I am Kyle not kzle. and i forgot 2 problems about speedos. the lining can make your thing get red and i get this itch where my legs meet my body from wearing a wet speedo suit to much. my mom sprays this jock stuff on it and it goes away.

Posted by Speedoman on 2005-08-23 18:48:02

Keep on the good work Kyle, I have worn speedo's like you since I was 9. I wear them as underwear and for sleeping, i will shower in them for 3 days then change for another pair so that the I can give the first pair a good was in the sink washing the bits you cannot get to in the shower, This may stop your itching?. "It did for me". What I like about wearing them all the time is, when ever you fancy a swim sea/pool the trousers/shorts come off have a good swim dry off in the sun and away you go. Spread the word about Speedo's when you return to school and soon all your mates will be speedoing.