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When is too old to still have a babysitter?

Me and my brother

Posted by Babysammy on 2021-10-09 14:08:36

Hi my names Sam everything you guys are talking about sounds just like me and my brother Mike. Hes 5 years younger than me but he babysits me all the time. Even though Im older you would never ever know it. Its over 6 feet tall and even though I tell everyone Im 5 feet but Im really only 411. When Mike got to be bigger than me he decided that he was the big brother and he took over. I went from being Sam to Sammy and now he usually calls me Baby Sammy hence the name! Hes not mean to me or anything, he just treats me like a little kid, his baby brother. Our mother works as a nurse and has crazy hours so he is basically in charge at home. She knows how he treats me and agrees Im not ready to be an adult. Most people who know me do. Im happy to share more

Posted by BrightBrian_ on 2021-10-10 21:36:47

Sorry to hear that, man. It's mean that he calls you Baby Sammy. How does your mom agree with this?

Posted by Babysammy on 2021-10-10 22:23:06

I guess I should start by saying that my mom is hardly ever home. She works as much as she can. My dad died a long time ago so she is the only one working. I guess I would say she doesnt really care as long as we are both safe and the house is clean. I will say that she™s admitted that things are better with my brother in charge because we dont fight anymore hes like the parent and Im basically his little boy at this point. This really became true when COVID hit and we were home together all the time. He set up so many new rules for me to follow its very clear that to him Im a child and mommy (he makes me call my mom mommy now pretty much agrees

Posted by BrightBrian_ on 2021-10-11 03:10:02

What are the rules you have to follow? I've been bullied by someone younger too, so I can kind of relate...

Posted by Babysammy on 2021-10-11 03:20:01

I'm sorry to hear that you've been bullied I used to get bullied too because of my size that's part of why Mike kind of took over.

Mike really likes rules and be always says he's trying to keep me safe and take care of things. When Vovid hit he got very strict about me leaving the house and decided I wasn't allowed out without him. When he takes me out he always holds my hand or even carries me. I don't like that much but he says I have little legs and get tired easily and he's kind of right.

At home there are a lot of rules too he makes sure I eat which I kind of forget a lot. He makes me nap every day and bedtime is any time between 7:30 and 8:30 depending on my behavior. It's so embarrassing but I never make it to 8:30